Part 11

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All were tensed...

The terrorists were threatening everyone...

They came near Roli & Siddhant...

He touch Siddhant shoulder with gun...

Siddhant opened his eyes to look at him...

Terrorist: What you both thinking in your mind...

That is when Roli opened her eyes and looked at him..

Siddhant: What are you trying to say???

Terrorist: You both seems to enjoy in this situation too... keep all your romance after you both reach your home alive...

He gave a weird smile...

Siddhant: Mind your words... We were not romancing.. Even if we are doing.. that is none of your business... You asked us mobile.. we gave.. you asked to show our bag.. we showed.. What bothers you on what we are doing...

Roli got afraid seeing Siddhant arguing with him and terrorist showing angry face towards him...

Roli: Siddhant.. keep quiet.. what if they hurt you...

Siddhant didn't give up... 

He too showed angry face while the terrorist moved from there as he got no enough reason to hurt him now...

Siddhant: Dont worry.. nothing like that will happen... 

Roli: They have mistaken we are romancing thats why they...

Siddhant: Let them think whatever they want.. but what we think matters... 

Siddhant told looking into her eyes..

Roli too looked into his eyes and blushed...

She lean on his shoulder again...

Roli: Dont look like that.. i cant bear your gazing eyes...

Siddhant: But you were irritated when i didn't look at you...

Roli was surprised...

Roli: How do you know???

Siddhant: Since we came here.. i was noticing you only.. then why not...

Roli; You were noticing me.. no way... you were just looking outside...

Siddhant: Thats what you thought... but my eyes were on you...

Roli: You are telling lie.. you were more interested on these books... which i think its your interesting subject & helpful for your business...

Siddhant: Business.. which business...

Roli: i guess you should be business man seeing you reading the books on economics & statistics...

Siddhant laughed...

Roli: Why are you laughing now as if i cracked some joke...

Siddhant: Come on Roli... These are the books available here then what else i read...

Roli: what???

That is when Roli looked the same books were kept in front of her too for reading...

Roli: Oh.. thats why you were reading it...

Siddhant: Little correction.. i was not reading.. i was holding it...

Roli: What do you mean as holding it...

Siddhant: It means i was not at all reading & was mere holding the book...

Roli: mere holding.. but why...

Siddhant: Because.. i was having someone interesting beside me and i was busy.. 

Roli think for a while & realised he is mentioning her..

Roli: Is it true.. or just faking...

Siddhant: Do you want me to tell what all you did since you sat here... or prior to that since you were coming looking at your parents & dash on me...

Roli: Dont tell me you even noticed my parents...

Siddhant: Yes i did... Infact i saw you before that itself...

Roli: I dont get you...

Siddhant; Let me explain.. then you will understand... 

Roli looked at him to know eagerly...

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