Part 19

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Terrorists ordered everyone to lay down & sleep...

All lay down...

While Roli & Siddhant lay down beside each other leaving little distance between them and away from others...

Siddhant looked at Roli...

Roli too lift her face to look at him and blushed seeing them beside each other..

The natural bed.. the grass was giving their floor...

Roli was caressing the grass gently with her hand...

Siddhant looked at the hand which was infact on middle between them...

He slowly turned towards her and forward his hand...

He touch her hand with his and slowly intertwined...

Roli looked at him and blushed more...

Siddhant eyes called her...

Roli looked around & found everywhere only dark...

She slowly moved towards him...

She rest her head on his shoulder...

Siddhant slowly caress her cheeks...

Then hold her chin and lift her face towards him...

Roli down her eyelids without able to face his sharp eyes...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant moved towards her face & kissed on her cheeks...

Of course taking care its not noticed by others...

Roli closed her eyes...

Siddhant moved towards her lips...

Their lips were just 1 cm apart...

While they heard...

'Siddhant time is 11:55...'

The voice belongs to Uncle who told him will alert about the timing of their plan...

Roli & Siddhant got disturbed...

They swiftly moved away and slowly got up...

Though their romance was disturbed...

Its not even time for romance in the situation they are held with...

Now its their action time to show towards their enemies and win...

Roli & Siddhant got ready...

The took the injection on their hand...

The went near the entrance like of the tent slowly without making any noise or taking care the terrorist dont notice them...

Siddhant looked at the watch...

It was correct 12...

Roli & Siddhant swiftly went near the terrorists...

They put the injection as fast as possible on the hand of terrorist...

The tensed terrorists turned towards them...

Terrorist: What are you doing.. 

He asked holding his hand where he got injection right now...

Siddhant: Nothing...We just...

Siddhant tried to tell something...

Within that time... The terrorist fell down unconscious...

Roli & Siddhant slowly came out of the tent fully and looked around...

Same like 2 youngsters came out of every tent putting the injection to the terrorists successfully...

Siddhant expressed not to make any sound...

As he knows the medicine may end its power soon...

They swiftly jumped into action...

Some one bought ropes which they kept to tie the passengers if required...

All the 10 terrorises hands were tied behind and legs are tied together...

Their mouth was tied with dupatta like clothes which was available with the passengers...

All the passengers came out...

For further safety.. They hit their head with wooden sticks available in the forest to delay their getting conscious...

Uncle: Thank you Siddhant.. without you.. this might have not been possible...

Siddhant: Uncle.. thats right.. but this is not time to talk all those.. lets move out from here and reach the city.. We cant under estimate the strength of terrorists.. before they could come out of the effect of medicine.. we should go from here...

Uncle: Ok.. lets go...

Siddhant: We are not sure which area is this... and also path to go out.. So lets get divide & go.. Whoever reach the city will inform police of that city to help others to come out.. Till such time.. do hold the stick or anything with you to protect yourselves in case terrorists get escape and come to attack...

Student: Sure.. Lets meet in that nearest city soon...

Siddhant: Sure...

All decided and started moving in different directions...

So did Roli & Siddhant...

Siddhant hold Roli hands...

They started walking together...

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