Part 9

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All passengers were travelling happily engaging themselves on their own things...

Everyone were travelling with some or other reasons...

Few on a touring.. Few on business trip.. Few to meet their relatives... 

There were old people... There were children...

When things were moving very normal...

Suddenly some abnormal thing happened...

Yes... Few people who covered their face with masks rushed into the place...

None were knowing from where they are coming...

Till now where they were...

They were holding guns on their hand...

They pointed the gun towards the passengers...

They shouted at them...

'All keep quiet.. dont try to even move...'

On his shout.. Roli opened her eyes and looked at the scenerio...

She got frightened seeing the people with guns and turned towards the guy who is beside her...

He too seems to open his eyes on their shout and was looking at them...

The person who shouted turned towards other person...

'Collect the cell phones from everyone...'

He took a bag and started collecting the cell phone from everyone...

Roli was wondering what to do...

It is her favorite mobile moreover all her contacts.. everything is stored in that...

How that can be given to them...

That is when he near to Roli and asked for her mobile...

She was hesitating...

He showed the gun towards her...

'Give it.. otherwise...'

Roli got afraid...

The guy.. the irritating guy of Roli who was sitting beside her took the mobile from Roli...

He gave the mobile of Roli as well as his to them...

He moved away to collect mobile from other passengers...

Roli: Why did you do this...

Guy: What do you mean???

Roli: Why you gave my mobile to them.. i have contacts & everything in that only...

Guy: I can understand.. but to you use the mobile & the contacts in the phone you should be alive right...

Roli: What do you mean now???

Guy: They are terrorists and you are trying to fight with them.. they will just shoot you without even thinking for a minute...

Roli: OMG... what to do now...

Guy: Nothing... we cant do anything now.. we just have to wait & see what they are doing...

Roli: Oh God... please help us... why this is happening.. that too when i am travelling for 1st time...

Guy: Just relax.. no use of getting tension.. Lets face it...

He gave some water to her...

She drink it and tried to relax herself...

But the fastened heart beat.. the pale face... her shivering body very well showed that she is frightened...

The guy who ordered to collect the phone looked at the person who by now collected all the phones...

'Also check everyone bags... we cant trust.. they may have something...'

The guy who collected the mobiles started checking everyone bag...

When the turn of Roli came...

Roli now gave her bag herself remembering the warning she got just now...

Her bag was checked which got money holding wallet.. then some make up items...

He throwed her bag on her and moved away...

She got tears filled on her eyes... out of fear...

The guy beside her understood she is much frightened & disturbed...

Guy: Relax.. dont get tensed...

Roli swiftly lean on his hand and started crying...

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