Part 4

580 27 3

Roli was feeling sleepy...

Its obvious as it was midnight flight...

She didn't even sleep properly even in the noon on excitement...

She lean on the seat and closed her eyes...

She was not feeling comfortable on sleeping in the seat of the flight...

May be the fear inside her being travelling for 1st time...

Or may be due to the sound and movements she was feeling inside the flight...

Anyway... She closed her eyes...

She turned sides trying to feel herself comfortable...

But No.. she was not successful...

She opened her eyes and saw her irritating guy beside in the next seat...

Some different thought started occupying her mind...

What if he misbehave or touch her when she is sleeping...

She was wondering why she got that thought...

But that thought produced insecurity to sleep when he is beside her...

She took the shawl like which she bring with her and wrapped around her...

As if it was shield to protect her from him touching her...

She can see him looking at her wrapping the shawl around her by corner of eyes...

But he seems to be least bothered on whatever she is doing... 

He was now looking into some magazine instead of looking outside...

She was eager to know which magazine is it to know or guess about him...

When she look into the magazine content...

She can understand its something related to economics...

Roli was thinking... such boring subject it is & he is reading it as magazine...

She now turned against him as if avoiding that boring magazine...

She again closed her eyes

After a while...

when she was in deep sleep...

She felt like someone touching her...

That too on her hip...

To favour his intention the Tshirt was lightly raised giving more chance for him to touch her skin...

The hands slowly caresses her hip throughout slowly and making her restless...

The hands were wrapped around her... and was like back hugging her tightly...

She cant bear it anymore...

She cant allow this anymore...

She cant give any chance to enjoy her...

She slowly opened her eyes...

She saw the hands belongs to him...

The irritating guy...

She turned her face to look at him who was now close to her almost back hugging her...

Guy: Are you not getting sleep???

She was wondering what sort of query is this disturbing her sleep by touching her...

But she was also wondering why she is not yet trying to take his hand from her and push him hard...

Instead she was looking into his face... gazing at his eyes which was already gazing her...

Instead of scolding or fighting with him...

Roli: How can i sleep if you...

Roli smiled.. infact blushed...

He gave a mischief smile looking at her...

He hold her shoulder & turned her towards him...

He wrapped his hand around her & pulled her closer...

Roli: What are you doing??? we are in the flight... 

Guy: So what... All these cant restrict me from tasting you...

Guy moved towards her face...

Towards her lips...

When he hold her lips with his...

Roli closed her eyes to feel the moment...

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