Part 5

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Roli was lost on the moment...

She was wondering why she is enjoying with some stranger...

Who is just travelling with her in the flight...

Still she was not feeling him as stranger...

She dont know why... But felt like he is close to her heart...

But in a while... She realised what she is doing is wrong...

She was not suppose to do like that...

She tried to push him away and move away from him...

When she tried to move away...

Her leg dropped from the seat where she placed...

Her sleep was disturbed...

She slowly opened her eyes & looked at him...

She just gave angry look at him...

Roli: Oh Mr... how can you do that...

The guy who was reading the book turned towards her...

Guy: Oh Ms... what i did???

Roli: Dont try to show yourself innocent... i know what you did...

Guy: Come on... there is no need for me to prove you whether innocent or not.. can you tell me what you know as i did...

Roli: How can you prove when you are not innocent... You are asking me to tell what you did...

Guy took deep breathe...

Guy: OMG... ok let me tell myself what i did.. i was reading book...

Roli: Dont tell lie... 

Guy: Oh.. i am telling lie.. then you tell me the truth...

Roli: I was sleeping...and you...

Guy: Hmm.. tell me.. i know you were sleeping.. then what i did...

Roli: you... you...

Roli remembered the visuals...

Guy: Tell me... what i did...

Roli was wondering what to tell him...

How can she tell what he did with her...

He understood something is disturbing her...

Also he can guess she got disturbed in the sleep...

He took the water bottle and gave it to her...

Guy: have some water...

Roli: I dont want anything... 

Guy: Come on.. its just water... ok.. you have your own water... 

He took the water bottle of her and gave it to her opening it...

Guy: I think you saw some bad dream...

Roli: Dream???

Roli tried to remember what exactly happened...

She was sleeping...

Then those disturbing visuals...

Then when she opened her eyes... 

Yes... he was reading book like how he was reading when she started getting sleep...

Roli was thinking whether he was right... Was it her dream...

By now she had some water and felt relaxed...

Guy: Are you ok now???

He asked with care...

Roli nod her head as acceptance...

Also she felt bad on blaming him for her dream...

She turned against him and closed her eyes again...

The dream visuals came in front of her eyes...

She was wondering why such dream... why those like...

May be as she fear he may misbehave with her created that dream...

But the thing which was disturbing her most was why she was enjoying with him...

The blush... the enjoyment... the moment...

It was disturbing her again & again...

She got up again and took the water bottle...

She had some more water...

He was looking at her surprised...

He might have thought something bothering her...

But again he was not bothered...

he was into his book like before...

She was wondering what is interesting in that book to read like this...

But also was thinking what is bothering her whatever he read...

Somehow this unusual experience wipe away the fear she had with him...

Though the dream was different...

She felt he wont do like that in real...

She closed her eyes again to continue her sleep...

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