Part 23

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RoSid were still walking...

Its almost evening now...

Siddhant was worried to reach city atleast before it get completely dark...

After a while...

Roli: Siddhant.. there is no trace of any city yet.. what can we do now.. it seems today also we need to stay somewhere in forest only...

Siddhant; Its nice darling.. nothing to worry.. lets find some cave again and stay inside it and...

Siddhant wrapped his hand around her and pulled her closer...

He gave mischief look and smile...

Roli: OMG... how can i handle this naughty guy...

She expressed her fear...

Siddhant: is it.. i am naughty.. then who is that.. sometime before...

He started while Roli kept her finger on his lips to hold him from further talking...

Siddhant smiled...

Roli: Ok.. ok.. lets walk and see for some more time till it get completely dark...

They walk for some more time...

There was almost few traces of light on the sky.. it was getting dark...


Roli: Siddhant.. see there...

Roli pointed in a direction...

Siddhant looked there and his eyes widened...

Yes.. there were some ladies coming towards stream...

Roli & Siddhant rushed towards them...

Roli: Excuse me.. we need your help...

lady1: Help.. 1st tell me who are you.. from where you are coming...

Roli: I will explain you...

Roli explained them about flight hijack and landing on forest and their search for city...

Ladies got shocked...

Lady2: We cant believe this... All safe???

Siddhant: We all escaped and tried to move in different direction.. we need local police help to locate others...

Lady1: But police station is not very near.. as we are very far from main city.. 

Siddhant: Its ok.. we will go to any distance as we dont have any option too now.. 

Lady2: Come with us to our home.. We can talk to our husband too.. he may help you...

Ladies took water in the stream and they moved towards their home...

Lady introduced RoSid to their husband and explained the happening...

Husband: Its very pathetic to see all these happenings.. any way as my wife said.. we can approch police only by morning... even if we go there.. they cant go into forest in this night.. anyways...

Siddhant: Oh ok...

Husband: You have food and take rest here itself today.. we will start early and go to police station tomorrow morning...

Siddhant: ok...

Lady: Let me prepare & serve dinner.. then you can take rest having it...

Lady went to kitchen to prepare some dinner...

Roli too went behind to help her...

Siddhant had general talks with the guy to know about the place and about their city...

After a while...

Dinner was served...

RoSid had that dinner after having fruits all the day while coming from forest...

After dinner...

RoSid were alloted a room to stay... and take rest...

Roli entered into the room while Siddhant followed her...

Siddhant locked the door and looked at Roli...

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