Part 16

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Roli was surprised to know this...

Roli: So you know when i sleep leaning on your hand and turned other side...

Siddhant: yes.. thats right...

Roli: Actually when i got up.. i felt bad about that & thought you should not be aware of it.. as you may mistake me...

Siddhant: Myself mistaking you... No way... Infact i was enjoying and was finding difficult to hold me...

He smiled... while Roli blushed...

Siddhant: Then after you wake up seeing your tensed face.. i was wondering what happened to you...

Roli: Yes actually i was hesitating to ask anyone while i was fearing to get up & walk in the moving flight...

Siddhant: I somewhere understood that.. that is why i went to restroom and saw your reaction...

Roli: Oh.. you were guessing it...

Siddhant: Yes i did.. then told you by heart to share what is tensing you.. Finally you told me and i helped you...

Roli: I am really surprised on whatever happened between us... How you understood and how i got your heart words...

Siddhant: Yes.. then i wanted you to sit in the window seat.. i know you wanted to...

Roli: its obvious as you were looking at me only...

Siddhant: yes.. and after letting you to sit in the window seat.. while you were admiring outside.. i was admiring you...

Roli: Very clever...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhnat: When you closed your eyes.. i remembered your shawl in this seat.. So i tried to put over you while...

Roli: Yes.. i was already afraid on the disturbing dream.. So when i felt you near.. I..i am sorry...

Siddhant: Sorry.. between us.. that is not something i expected.. instead tell me what i wish to hear...

Roli: You want to hear what you wish to in point of gun...

Siddhant: So what.. are these disturbing us all these time now... Then why to hear what i want to...

Roli: Its strange.. to get introduced in such situation.. to talk about the experience in strange situation and now... 

Roli blushed...

Siddhant: Come on... I am waiting...

Roli: i...

Roli stopped and lift her eyelids to look at him...

His eager filled eyes were gazing at her...

Roli blushed and down her eyelids again...

Roli: I...

Siddhant: Hmm...

That is when the terrorists again shouted...

Terrorist: Listen everyone.. we will be landing in a forest now.. And remember none should try to go any where.. None will move until we get what we want and you all will be under out custody till such time..

Roli & Siddhant looked at them...

Roli hold his hand tightly out of fear...

Siddhant hold her hand...

Siddhant: Dont worry... Nothing will happen.. i am here for you...

Roli nod her head as acceptance...

None were knowing where the flight got redirected...

Where the flight is going to land...

And how it can be landed in a forest...

Is it practically possible???

All the passengers were tensed and were sitting helpless...

Siddhant looked at Roli...

Siddhant: Roli.. let anything happen.. but dont go away from me... Just be with me and lets handle this situation together... 

Roli: Yes.. we will...

Roli agreed...

All were instructed to wear the seat belt...

Siddhant helped Roli to wear the seat belt...

She hide her more on his shoulder...

She closed her eyes tightly and hold him for support...

Siddhant too hold her wrapping his hand around her shoulder...

The flight started declining towards the forest...

In couple of minutes.. the flight landed in the forest as per instruction of the terrorist though it was very risky to land in that place...

All passengers hold their heart out of fear on whatever happening and got little breathe of relief when the flight landed atleast safe...

Roli & Siddhant looked at each other...

Siddhant expressed his support to her...

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