Part 8

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Roli was bored hearing songs since long...

She switched of the mobile and looked beside...

He was looking outside through the window...

Roli was also interested to see... but where she can crossing him...

Roli showed upset face...

That is when he turned towards her casually and looked at her expression...

Guy: Do you want anything...

He asked her as if he read her mind...

Roli: Nothing... just feeling bored...

Guy: Oh... Read some book...

He forward the book... that interesting book towards her...

Roli: No thanks...

She swiftly denied to handle the interesting book...

Guy: Then you sit here & see outside for sometime.. you may feel engaged seeing outside...

Roli: Its ok...

Guy: You are travelling in the flight for 1st time.. so you may be interested to see this.. i did travelled quiet many times... so its no new for me.. you can sit here & enjoy seeing outside... Come...

He got up and gave way for Roli to sit in the corner seat...

Roli was excited...

But didn't showed him openly and expressed as if accepting his given offer for sitting there...

She got up and sat on his seat...

He sat on her seat and took that interesting book...

Roli saw outside...

The clouds were looking beautiful while seeing from the flight...

Roli: Wow...

She expressed her happiness...

she was looking outside the window like a small child enjoying its train travel..

Roli; How beautiful...

She started enjoying it thoroughly...

That is when she realised openly expressing the happiness...

She swiftly turned towards him to see his expression...

She can notice a trace of smile on his face...

Roli was thinking.. this book worm knows to smile too...

But not sure what he got in this statistics book to look and smile...

She again turned towards the window...

She started enjoying looking outside...

She can now clearly see how the flight is flying turning sides and beautifully like the bird flying spreading its wings...

After admiring for long.. she realised for sure.. he might have thought her like a kid...

Who forgets others and enjoy looking outside the window...

Hence she came back leaning on the seat and turned towards him...

To her surprise... He kept the book on his chest as usual and closed his eyes...

Roli was thinking... oh.. finally got bored of the book and decided to sleep it seems...

Roli too lean on the seat and closed her eyes...

It was just few more minutes...

She felt like something put over her...

She got afraid and opened her eyes...

That is when she saw he was close to her wrapping her shawl on her...

Roli: What are you doing???

Guy: Nothing... you left the shawl in this seat itself... which i saw now & wrapped on you...

Roli: Ok.. i will take care dont worry...

She took the shawl and wrapped around herself...

Guy: Of course.. its your shawl and you can wrap yourself... 

Roli: Thanks... 

Guy: By the way.. it seems you enjoyed a lot looking outside...

Roli: Nothing like that... infact i didn't asked you to give window seat.. it was you who compelled.. so i sat & was looking outside...

Guy: Ok.. ok... Even if you enjoy looking... there is nothing wrong in it...

Roli: Thats right..  but i didn't enjoyed.. ok...

Guy: Ok.. i agreed.. you didn't enjoyed.. it was me who is reason behind you seeing outside window... are you ok...

Roli: of course.. thats the truth...

Guy; hmm... well.. sorry you were sleeping & i disturbed... you continue your sleep...

Roli: I will... 

Roli turned the other side and closed her eyes...

He took deep breathe & closed his eyes...

None were knowing the fact what they are going to face soon...

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