Part 7

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Roli was hearing the song closing her eyes...

Air hostess was trying to take order for food...

She tried to call Roli while she was into the song & was unable to hear her...

The guy who was beside her gave his order...

Then looked at Roli...

Air hostess tried to take order on other side...

The guy was wondering what to do now to make this girl wake up...

She slept or just hearing the song...

Slowly he forward his hand towards her...

Then he hesitated without knowing how she will react...

Still he is sure.. not doing any wrong...

He forwarded his hand further to hold her shoulder...

When he touched her shoulder...

She swiftly opened her eyes and moved away as if shocked by his touch...

Guy: Sorry.. i didn't mean anything wrong.. actually...

He showed the air hostess...

Guy: She came to take order for food.. thats why...

Roli: If she came to take order.. she might have called me..

Guy: Yes she called.. but as you were hearing songs.. you didn't hear... so she went the other side.. thats why i...

Roli: Oh.. Still try to stay away ok...

She told him as if clarifying herself that she is not ok by his touch...

Guy nod his head as acceptance...

And as usual turned the other side ignoring her...

Roli looked at the air hostess...

Roli: Excuse me.. take my order...

Roli gave her order to her...

In few minutes... the food was given to the passengers...

All started having food...

Roli opened her pack and took a bit to have it...

Roli: OMG...

Guy who just tried to open the pack to eat turned towards her...

Guy: What happened...

Roli: Why should i tell you...

She showed her denial to share with him...

Guy: Ok.. its your wish...

He open his pack to start eating...

Roli: Actually the dish is very spicy...

Guy: You are telling me???

Roli: Then who else is there to tell...

Guy: Oh ok.. as you asked why should you tell me.. i thought now you got someone else to tell...

Roli gave angry look which was again ignored by him...

He asked her casually...

Guy: Wont you eat spicy...

Roli: I eat spicy.. but this is too much.. i cant eat this much spicy... now i dont know what can i have...

Guy: Ok.. Then take this.. i didn't ordered spicy food.. you can have this...

Roli: But that you ordered for you...

Guy: So what.. i am yet to start eating.. infact just opened it... 

Roli: But.. i started having...

Guy: That i know as you had it.. you were able to know it is more spicy... But i dont mind.. you can give me..

Roli: Are you sure...

Guy: Of course... i wont tell anything.. without even being sure...

Roli was thinking.. see how he is talking... 

Roli with some sort of hesitation gave the food pack to him...

Guy gave his pack to her...

Guy: have it & see.. hope you like it...

Roli: Ok..

Roli started having it...

As he said.. it was tasting good...

Roli: Its good...

Guy smiled and continued having her food...

Roli: Dont you feel spicy... 

Guy: yes it is.. but i am used to have spicy food.. so no problem...

Roli: Oh ok.. thanks for your help...

Guy: Can i suggest you something...

Roli: Suggestion.. what it is...

Guy: when you cant eat too spicy.. then you were not suppose to order this like menu.. Instead something which wont be spicy...

Roli: Thats right.. thanks for your suggestion...

Guy: You are welcome...

Roli was thinking... see he has come to suggest me... as if i dont even know to order food... 

Didn't i used to eat outside... today it was spicy... which i didn't expected...

But in the meantime...  its good he helped me giving his food...

Also his suggestion was not bad too.. Its right that i should order thinking twice...

Its good he helped me today.. otherwise... what might have happened...

I need to waste this and order something else again...

Roli was thinking so many looking at him...

The guy who noticed her gazing at him...raised his eyebrows & expressed like 'what'...

Roli nod her head as 'nothing' & continued having food...

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