Part 20

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Roli & Siddhant were walking together in the forest...

It was very see anything even coming in the front...

Siddhant think for a while...

Siddhant: Roli.. wait...

Siddhant took wooden stick...

Then removed his Tshirt...

Roli was wondering what he is doing...

Roli: Siddhant.. what are you doing???

Siddhant: wait Roli... 

He tied the cotton tshirt on the wooden stick...

Then collected some dry leaves and rub the stone and made fire out of it...

The dry leaves started burning...

Siddhant swiftly made the tshirt which was tied on the wooden stick to catch fire...

He hold the stick on his hand and proceeded walking further...

Siddhant looked around here & there and took steps carefully...

Roli was little afraid being in the forest and was walking holding his hand tightly...

They did walk for couple of hours...

Siddhant noticed Roli got tired...

Siddhant: Roli.. are you ok...

Roli: Siddhant.. i am feeling tired & thirsty...

Siddhant looked for the time and found its almost 3 now...

Siddhant: Roli.. lets rest for a while & then continue...

Roli: But where we can rest in this forest...

Siddhant; Lets look around...

Siddhant looked around here & there and found a cave like place in that forest...

Siddhant: lets go there & see...

Roli & Siddhant went near the cave...

Roli: Siddhant.. what if any animals stay inside this...

Siddhant; lets see what is inside it...

Siddhant entered into the cave carefully holding the fire stick with him and looked inside...

To his fortune.. there was nothing inside the cave...

He checked whether any traces of any animal living inside the cave...

But there was no such trace too...

He entered into the cave holding Roli hands...

Siddhant: Come in Roli.. there is nothing inside... 

Roli & Siddhant looked around inside the cave...

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