Part 25

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Siddhant got up early...

He saw Roli sleeping on his chest...

He slowly made Roli to rest on pillow and got up without disturbing her...

He came out and found the couples already wake up and was having some coffee...

Siddhant was also served with coffee...

Then Siddhant with the guy went to police station...

They informed police about the happening...

Police immediately informed all the cities around the forest and told them to get into the forest to know the situation and rescue the people...

Siddhant got relieved...

He came back and took Roli with him...

RoSid thanked the couple who gave food and shelter to them...

They went into the forest with the police...

Fortunately the terrorists were still on the hold of rope as they were tied...

Police arrested all the terrorists and took them under their custody...

Siddhant: Sir.. can we arrange to take all the luggages to near by airport and connect us on next flight to our destination...

Police: sure we will...

Police arranged to transport all the baggages to the nearest international airport...

Also Passengers who were rescued were transported to the airport...

Special flight was arranged for them to continue their journey...

All occupied their respective seats...

All thanked Siddhant for all the help he did to handle the situation...

Specially the old couple appreciated them a lot...

Uncle came near Siddhant...

Uncle: Sorry Siddhant.. we disturbed you that day.. but as time was up.. i...

Siddhant blushed...

Siddhant: Nothing like that uncle...

Uncle: Siddhant.. we crossed your age and i can understand too.. there is nothing wrong in it.. 

Siddhant smiled...

All reached the destination...

All informed their respective families that they are safe and reached destination safe...

Fortunately RoSid were about to study in the same university...

RoSid joined their college and continued their higher studies...

After completing their higher studies for 2 years..

Of course fully enjoying their life abroad staying together & studying together...

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