The Arctic Blue Trailer

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Frost and his best friend Squall were sparring in a field until they were surrounded by demons mainly Empusa's, scarecrow demons, Riot's and Hell Caina. "Oh shit. Seems like we have a change in plans Squall." Squall simply grins "Better than nothing." Frost scoffs "You got that right." Frost quickdraws his Yamato to cut down an Empusa. Frost cuts down several demons effortlessly, Squall sends out a few lightning spells as well as cutting a few down.  Frost blocks an attack from Riot Frost knocks it back as well as dodging an attack from it, Frost activates his Eclipse limit breaker. Frost follows it up with a Judgement cut that cuts Riot down Frost lets out a low sigh, Frost quickdraws his Yamato again before proceeding to slice down various demons even stabbing a few with his sheath. Two two manage to take out the demons only for the big queen to come out. The Empusa Queen Frost sends off a few lightning spells only to cause little damage, Squall takes point while Frost sends off a rapid barrage of energy swords. Squall jumps on top of the queen and stabs it in the head until he splits the head in half. 

A few Chaos demons come out of the woods along with a few Assault demons, Frost teleports through the Assault demons to sheath his Yamato to cut them down. A Chaos demon rolls straight for Frost, Frost scoffs he counters by sending off a barrage of energy swords that shatters the spines of its back. Frost activates his Magical Sword limit breaker to finish it off, Squall activates his Renzokuken limit breaker he follows up his assault with his Rough Divide attack to finish off Chaos. The two hear a woman yell at them "My children you bastards!" The two turn around to see a serpent charging at them, they side roll just in time to avoid being turned into roadkill,  the demon Echidna glares at the two of them. Squall grins at the demon "Now that's what you call an overgrown weed." Frost lets out a short laugh "You're feeble words don't have any effect on me! I shall tear your bodies to shreds!" the two side roll out of the way again. Frost scoffs at the demon "The air to a bird of the sea to a fish, contempt to the contemptible." Frost sends off a blistering barrage of energy sword that only annoys Echidna Frost follows it up by surrounding her with a circle of energy swords that disorientates her. Frost attacks with is Dreadful Roar limit breaker. Frost follows it up with his Over Destiny limit breaker, she turns into her serpent form and charges at the two, Frost teleports up to her, Frost stabs his sword into her  over and over until she turns back into her base form. Frost sends out a few projectile slashes that brings her down, Squall rushes forward attacking with his own power strikes before impaling her. Squall steps aside as Frost rushes forward he cuts her down "The Angel that presided 'ore my birth said. Little creature, form'd joy and mirth. Go love without the help of anything on Earth." Frost slowly sheaths his blade to cut her down.  "Just who is one person that can ever give me a real challenge." The two head back to SeeD academy for their homeroom class.

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