The Dark and The Unknown

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(Frost Oakenshield Vs Blake Belladonna)

Frost teleports up to Blake where they clash blades violently, Blake kicks Frost in the gut she fires a few shots at him. Frost spins his Yamato to catch the bullets fired at him he aligns them up and flings them back at her.  Frost summons a circle of energy swords around her that causes her to stop in her tracks "What's wrong?" Frost sends off the swords Blake counters by using her semblance to outmaneuver the swords. Frost is left stunned that when Blake takes the time to hit him with a few acrobatic kicks and light sword slashes. Frost is amazed he gets back up to put off a stalemate "You're not bad...i guess there's a first time for everything." Blake doesn't say anything. Frost teleports back up to her this time activates his Eclipse limit breaker Blake is able to block each of his attacks, Frost teleports a back to reduce the distance. Blake sighs "You shouldn't be so predicable, that will result in your opponent getting the upper hand." Frost gives Blake a scowl "Don't tell me how i should fight, you have no idea what i can 'really' do." Frost sends down a hail storm of energy swords. He keeps up the assault by sending off a blistering barrage of energy swords. Frost teleports up to her he slashes at her only for her to turn into a dark haze. Frost is left confused when the haze disappears he's kicked across the stage from behind, Frost gets up to see Blake standing a meter away, Frost scoffs with a disinterested expression "Congratulations on impressing me, not everyone can do that. But your cheap tricks are impressive most impressive."  Blake's bow twitches out of annoyance "Quit running your mouth and fight like a man." Frost casts out each different variations of his spells  Blake dodges each of his spells. Frost activates his power break spell Blake dashes up to Frost however she can't force him back. Frost leans in close to whisper to Blake "Don't think i don't know what you really are." Blake shoots Frost a shocked stare Frost. The two break away Frost sends out a few projectile slashes, Blake easily blocks Frost keeps up his assault by activating his Over Destiny limit breaker. Frost slowly approaches Blake only to be nailed by fire clones  Frost is knocked back. Frost stumbles to his feet Blake takes out her book "I believe in fools; my friends call it confidence. So it is written." Frost gets up as Blake puts her book away "The sun does arise, and make happy the skies."  Frost slashes wildly at Blake who dodges Blake tosses a few dust vials up the first one she catches she creates an ice sculpture that traps Frost's Yamato. Blake catches the second vial and follows up her combo with a flaming clone, Frost is once again knocked back but teleports back up. Frost witnesses her insert another vial, Blake runs at Frost the two clash blades by now Blake has the upper hand eventually she forces him back a bit. Frost goes to activate his Flash limit breaker, Blake counters with her semblance this time creates a stone statue. Blake uses her sheath to block his attack along with her katana, she stabs him through the shoulder Frost drops to his knees Blake looks at him shocked as he removes her blade from his shoulder just as Goodwitch calls the match. "And Mrs. Belladonna is the winner this time." 

Frost heals himself with a Hi-Elixir potion Frost sheaths his blade, as well as handing Blake her blade. Frost walks away not saying a word Blake sees his book laying on the ground, she sees that he's already gone. She holds onto his book for now  Blake opens up to where he left off  'By happy silent moony beams. Sweet sleep with soft down, weave thy brows an infant crown.' Blake finds Frost at Emerald cliff  "Frost." Frost turns around to face Blake with a disinterested expression "What is it?" Blake holds up his book "You dropped this." Frost takes his book back  "Thank you." there was a long awkward silence before Frost turned to face Blake with a more serious expression. "How did you know, no one has ever been able to counter my tactics." Blake simply shrugs "You just have no idea what I've been through, but my question is. How do you know about my 'secret'?" Frost scoffs "I've seen your bow twitch and i know it's no coincidence, because why would someone wear a bow to bed and wear it 24/7. Now if you don't mind I'd like to be alone." 

The two go their separate ways  the way Frost sounded wasn't disgust or like he cared, more like he knew since the first day. Blake headed back to her dorm to call i a day.

(The next morning) Frost decided to skip breakfast not that it was the first time he did it, the young man heads to Tukson's Book Trade. Frost heads in to find two other customers Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black "Good evening sir need help finding something?" Frost browses around with Mercury and Emerald following him, Mercury grabs "Pet Cemetery by Stephen King" "Hmm, no pictures for this one kid." Frost glares at Mercury "I find it more interesting when i can picture it in my head 'kid'."  Mercury holds up his hands "Woah easy there. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Frost continues browsing until Emerald picks up "The Black Cat by Edgar, Allan, Poe" "This one seems interesting." Frost snaps a book shut before placing it back "What I'm looking for is none of your business. So leave me." Mercury pats Frost on the shoulder "C'mon don't be like that, we just wanna talk." Frost pulls away and turns towards Tukson "Hey do you happen to have 'The Garden of Love'?" Tukson nods "What a fine choice, it's over there near the romance novels." Frost hands Tukson a pouch of gil before he leaves he shoots him a side glance "Keep the change." Frost puts the book in his coat he takes a shortcut through an alley. He feels like he's being followed Frost darts around as he unsheathes his Yamato he points the blade at Emerald "Leave me...i won't ask again." Emerald lowers his blade a bit "What's your name?" Frost scoffs as he sheaths his blade "I have no name i am but two days old. Just kidding it's Frost."  Frost walks away to head back to Beacon Frost gets back just in time just as the students are gathering at the cafeteria. Frost sits across from Seifer the teams see his facial expression, Seifer lets out a low whistle "That expression is the one you give when someone has really put you in a bad mood. Who did it this time?" Frost lets out an annoyed sigh "These two  imbeciles kept trying to get me to talk." Yang on the other hand tried lightening the mood "Well that sure was ice cold." Zell motioned for her to stop "Seems like you could cool off."  Frost grips the handle of his Yamato luckily Blake interfered to stop him. "Frost, didn't you say you needed to borrow one of my books for an assignment for one of Oobleck's essays?" Frost looks up with a semi relaxed expression "I did." "Lets go for a walk and along the way we can drop by the dorms." The two leave the cafeteria Frost quickdraws his blade to send off a few projectile slashes, the slashes cut a few tree branches in Emerald forest. "Oh yeah i also got you this, a token of my gratitude." Frost hands Blake 'The Garden of Love'  which Blake accepts. 

"Thank you. But why me if you hardly know me?" Frost scoffs "I'd figure you'd say that. You and i are alike, I'm a demon and you're a faunus." Frost was about to continue however 8:50 struck he gave Blake a gaze "Seems like I'll have to tell you later. Go on I'll meet you in class." 

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