Feather of an Angel

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Team Shadow Mosses witnessed team CFVY beat team BRNZ by now Beacon is in the lead, Frost overheard Ruby sending Weiss and Blake for the double rounds first round was team Shadow Mosses Vs team RWBY. "Squall, Seifer. You're up." Seifer lets out a sinister laugh as they head down. The participants take their positions as Seifer withdraws his Hyperion gunblade "Alright Ice Queen, i hope you're ready to lose. Because you're about to fight a real man." Weiss mockingly straightens her ponytail "Boys these days." the stadium is split into a Desert and Savanna biome 

(Seifer Almasy and Squall Leonhart Vs Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna) 

Weiss sends off ice spikes both Seifer and Squall side roll to opposite sides. Blake lures Squall into the Savanna biome while Seifer takes on Weiss head on, Weiss and Seifer exchange sword strikes. Meanwhile Squall chases after Blake eventually he losses her Squall comes to a halt Blake leaps out at Squall from his left. Squall blocks her assault he follows it up by sending off a line of lightning bolts, Squall only attacks a shadow clone. Squall looks around he hears a rustling behind him, Squall darts around to block an attack he manages to force Blake back. Meanwhile Seifer and Weiss trade violent sword strikes "C'mon princess, i was expecting better from you."  Weiss activates her glyphs just as they run at each other, Seifer is knocked back he scrambles to his feet to dodge a fire wall attack Weiss switches to a gravity dust. Blake was sent out of the savanna biome with Squall following behind  Seifer grins  "Now Squall!" the two activate their One For One attack. Both Weiss and Blake are forced back they exchange glances Weiss nods, the two preform their Checkmate attack, Seifer is defeated Squall on the other hand activates his Renzokuken limit breaker on Weiss he follows it up with his Lionheart strike. Blake clashes blades with him she leaps away to fire off a few shots, Squall closes the distance unbeknownst that Weiss manages to get to her feet. Weiss air-bounds Squall with a gravity glyph "Oh shit." the two preform their Checkmate attack one last time Squall is knocked beside Seifer, he manages to get to one knee but is declared defeated. 

Frost sighs as he shakes his head 'You had one job, one job. How could you let me down?' Seifer and Squall regroup with Frost who isn't that talkative "How?" Seifer just scoffs "They got lucky that's all." 'Oh sure they did.' after a few more rounds until Frost is put up against Nolan Porfirio. "Lets just get this over with." Weiss glares in his direction before looking at Zell "What's his problem?" "I think i might've made him angry." upon getting to the stadium Nolan takes off his sunglasses Frost takes out his book to read a line "Mercy no more could be, if all were as happy as we;" 

(Frost Oakenshield Vs Nolan Porfirio)

Frost teleports to the side to put his book away, Nolan tries stunning frost with his Cattle Prod only for Frost to keep evading. Frost eventually begins blocking with his sheath  "Quit running like a coward and face me like a man!" Frost quickdraws his blade he blade locks with Nolan before kicking him back Nolan dodges his swift strikes before landing a few hits on him. Nolan stuns him in the side of the knee before kicking him in the back, Frost gets up only to be pissed off Frost sends off a blistering barrage of energy swords Nolan dodges them, Frost teleports up to him he follows it up by activating his Flash limit breaker. Frost turns around to sheath his blade in the stands Coco sits next to Ruby "Damn what did someone do to piss him off like that?" "Don't know but i hope he at least cheers up into a better mood." Frost is put into a chokehold by Nolan, Nolan shocks Frost until he gets him almost to his knees "Give it up, you lost and my team will be going to the finals." Frost growls out angrily "No, i got you right where i want you." Frost summons a circle of energy swords Nolan is knocked back Frost activates his Over Destiny limit breaker. Frost is surprised when Nolan still stands Frost teleports up to him he keeps up his assault with fury strikes. Nolan stuns Frost in the gut Frost knees Nolan in the chin before kicking him away. Nolan gets up with a smirk the two clash violently, Frost grabs him by the front of his shirt he tosses him up. Frost sends off another blistering barrage of energy swords he follows it up with a lightning spell. Nolan drops down with his aura below 15% Frost sheaths his blade he takes a look at Nolan. "You're so predictable, you'll have a better chance against Blake Belladonna. But as the saying goes, before you face the best of the best you have to face the worst of the worst. And i can agree." 

The teams head to the fairgrounds Frost separates himself from his team he finds a shaded resting point under a tree, he slowly slides down. Meanwhile team RWBY and team JNPR along with Zell went to Curry up. Coco looks at Zell she lowers her shades with a concerned expression "Hey blondie where's Frost your usually his shadow?" Zell darts around to find Frost "Oh crap!"  Ren sighs "How could you lose your own teammate?"  "I didn't even hear him slip away like a ghost!"  Weiss gazes over at Coco "You do know he's not the happy go lucky type, more like the cold winds of despair type." "Way to hit the nail on the head." Zell meanwhile tried talking to Ren, who mainly listened to Zell tell a few stories of their time back at SeeD. All until that Zell mentioned "And then one day Frost came back to SeeD with that sword that you know-" Coco lowers her shades to look Zell in the eyes "You're saying he never owned that sword, then where did he get it?" "Well...uh you see, he said that a great warrior gave it to him as a symbol of honor, pride and vengeance."   Weiss simply sighs "Sounds like something he'll say, speaking of which the finals will start eventually and he's not answering his scroll."  meanwhile Blake finds him slouched under a tree, Blake shook him a few times. Frost jolts awake "Take it easy it's just me." Frost gets up he rubs his eyes to adjust to the light "What is it?" "The finals will begin soon." Blake helps Frost up the two get back to Curry Up where he regroups with his team. Coco lowers her shades to look in his hazy eyes "I'll take a guess that you just woke up." Zell shoots Frost a shocked expression "Where the heck were you sleeping!? There's grimm and demons in these woods!" Frost glares at Zell "Keep your voice down." Coco sighs "You've been pushing yourself too hard, here drink this." Coco slides Frost a a cup of coffee Frost it was strong but surprisingly it gave Frost a pick me up. "Oh yeah Squall, you will be my partner in the finals." Squall nods while Ruby gives him a nervous expression "These are Shinra soldiers right?"  "Indeed, meaning these are men i trained along side." 

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