Old Friends

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Frost and Squall step onto the stadium where he stares down his former ally's Zack Fair and Cloud Strife. Zack stares down Frost with a smile "So, long time no see?" "My sincerest apologies for not writing to you, I've got caught up with other stuff." "Whatever, how about we make up old times?" "Yes...lets." Frost pops his Yamato out of its sheath just as Zack charges at Frost.

(Frost Oakenshield and Squall Leonhart Vs Cloud Strife and Zack Fair) 

The stadium is split into a forest and urban biome, Frost clashes blades with Zack while Squall lures Cloud away to the forest biome. 'Seems like he picked up a few tricks that Blake used, wait no she's smarter than him. Agh forget it!' The two exchange blows that only result in blade locking, Frost teleports back to give some distance Frost casts each of his spells. Zack only dodges, Frost activates his power break on Cloud. Zack is taken off guard he charges again resulting in Frost smirking. In the crowd  Ruby nudges Weiss "Have you ever heard of these Shinra soldiers?" "They're  the best of the best what Frost and Squall are facing are the first class Shinra soldiers. Chances at winning slim since Frost is a former member of Shinra." meanwhile Squall is able to force Cloud back. Cloud casts off a few lightning spells only for Squall to outmaneuver him and knock him back with a few swift strikes.  Cloud counters with his Meteor rain limit breaker, Squall gets knocked back through a few trees.  Frost dodges several of Zack's attacks, Frost sends off a blistering barrage of energy swords. Zack blocks all of them Frost sends off a rapid barrage of fireballs Zack sends off a projectile slash to cancel them out. Frost sends off a set of ice spikes, Zack counters with his Meteor Shot limit breaker. "Don't tell me that my best friend forgot about his training, that was basically nailed into that thick skull of yours?" Frost teleports behind Zack "How could i?"  Zack darts around and activates his Rush Attack limit breaker, Frost is sent through a few cement walls. Frost gets to his feet after pushing some debris off of him, Frost summons a circle of energy swords around himself he follows it up by sending down a hail storm of energy swords. Zack gets trapped in place while Frost activates his Eclipse limit breaker, Frost keeps up his assault with various swift sword strikes. Squall on the other hand is doing his best to keep Cloud moving, Cloud eventually gets fed up and activates his Braver limit breaker he follows it up with his Cross Slash limit breaker.  Cloud ends it with his Omislash only to find Squall still standing Cloud looks behind him to see that Frost has his hand held out. Cloud's attack has been weakened due to Frost's Magic break Frost nods at Squall. Frost staggers Cloud with a circle of energy swords as well as sending off the swords that surround himself. Cloud staggers a bit but is defeated from ShadowMosses Recoil Spring attack. 

Later that day team ShadowMosses dragged him along to hang out with them and team RWBY, attempting to break him out of his shell. Seifer lets out a bored sigh "Man I'm so bored that this gossiping is going to put me to sleep." Weiss looks over at Frost who's slouched a bit "I think that already happened with Frost."  Ruby blows a whistle resulting in Frost falling back, the young man rubs his eyes, Yang shoots Frost a smirk "You looked so peaceful asleep." "Thank you."  Zell shakes Frost by the shoulders "C'mon man you either break out of your shell or I'll force you out!" Frost's scroll beeps he checks it to see he has a message from Ozpin stating that he wants to talk to him in private. "Unfortunately that will have to wait, Ozpin wants to see me." Seifer grins "Let me know if you get detention." Frost Doesn't say a word, Ozpin takes the two of them to an interrogation room. 

Ozpin puts a cup of coffee in front of Frost, Frost takes a sip "So what did you want to see me for?" Ozpin takes a seat in front of the young man "I've taken a look at your results from all of test you've done at SeeD. Quistis also told me you were a member of Shinra. Someone at your age can't beat a guardian force easily, but you on the other hand took them down with ease. How is that?" Frost takes another sip he also pushes a strand of his hair to the side "I've been training for years and years, if you're me and you live in a world with demons you either learn quickly or you will be ripped to shreds. It's kill or be killed." Ozpin pushes his glasses back a bit "You're a son of Sparda is why." Frost sets his cup down whilst giving Ozpin a confused expression "How did you know that?"  "I knew it the moment i saw you, platinum hair, blue eyes. But why do you hide in plain sight and not show your true colors?" Frost sighs "I want people to see a new variation of power, growing up power is the key to surviving and without strength you're better off running for safety."  Ozpin takes a sip of his coffee "And distancing yourself from others, why it's like you hate everyone you see?"  Frost folds his hands "I don't hate everyone, Coco has guts to face the demons of my past that followed me, Ruby is nice and a social butterfly. I'm just better off on my own." Ozpin sighs "So why hide in the shadows from everyone, i accept everyone from any school or whatever they are? Human, faunus and demon."  "I'll tell the others when the time is right, just not today. But as Tidus said there is only one goal not victory but winning."  Ozpin gets up  he walks to the door before taking one last look at Frost "I may be your headmaster but I'm also a huntsman, so if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. But perhaps victory is in the similar things you've long forgotten."  

Meanwhile in a warehouse Roman plots his next robbery Mercury and Emerald eventually walk in Roman turns around to face them. "Oh look she sent the kids again." Roman walks behind them and puts his arm around them "This is turning out just like the divorce."  he walks back in front of them  as he holds an address  in his hand whilst looking at Emerald "Where did you get this?" "Wouldn't you like to know?" "Yeah i would, now where have you been all day." Mercury scoffs "Cleaning up your mess." "I had that under control." "Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise." "Listen here you little punk if it were up to I'd take you and your little street rat friend and-"  Cinder intervenes from the upper level of the warehouse "Do what Roman?" Roman nervously chuckles "Uh not kill them." Cinder uses a lift to get to the lower level she looks at Mercury and Emerald "Didn't i specifically tell you to keep your hands clean while in Vale?" Roman mocks the two while Cinder has her back turned "I thought-" "Don't think...obey." Emerald nods Cinder turns her gaze towards Roman "And you." Roman mockingly laughs "Why wasn't this job done sooner?" "Uh...eh? Ehhh? EHHHH! Sorry if I've been a little busy collecting every single speck of dust in the kingdom." Mercury mocks him as usual "You're an inspiration for every punk with a gun and a ski mask."  "Look around kid i got the town running scared. Police camping out in every corner, dust prices through the roof, and we're sitting pretty in an old warehouse with dust, crystals and rounds than we know what to do with. Speaking of which if you guys didn't mind on filling me in on your grand-master plan, it might make my next string of robberies go a little smoother." Cinder walks up to Roman "Oh, Roman have a little faith. You'll know what you need when you know it. Besides i have a new partner for you."  Cinder snaps her fingers, Roman looks around to see Sephiroth walk into the warehouse. "Roman meet Sephiroth, he will be aiding you for now on. While me, Mercury and Emerald move onto phase two." Cinder leaves along with Emerald and Mercury Roman lights a cigar "So, lets begin. I'll have Neo show you the real way to do this." 

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