Nightshift Duty

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Frost heads to team RWBY's dorm Frost holds a blue rose in his hand Blake opens the door "You look nice." "Thank you, you look fine yourself." Frost hands Blake the blue rose the young man sees her bow twitch "It's beautiful. Where did you get it?" "A girl named Aerith walked up to me a few days ago and gave it to me." Frost holds out his arm "Lets get going." Blake takes his arm when they get to the ballroom Yang smiles at the two. "Seems like you two are all hooked up."  'You're lucky we don't handle this with our weapons.'  Frost looks over his shoulder to see Mercury Black and Emerald walk in, Frost shoots Yang a fake smile "I'm a man of my word. Besides it's been so long since i decided to live a little." Frost pulls Blake along to avoid Mercury the two meet up with Seifer and Squall. Blake could tell that something was on Frost's mind "Something wrong?"  "I don't trust Cinder and her team, earlier today i checked the records from Haven. Turns out they're liars. Seifer, Squall I'd suggest keeping an eye on them." Squall nods "I'll message Tidus and Zell to see if they can find Cinder." Blake pulls at Frost's arm "Enough of that, you didn't come here to chit-chat." Blake pulls Frost to the dance floor.

(Later that night) Frost regroups with his team at a table "So i see Mercury and Emerald haven't done much." team ShadowMosses see the Duo in the same spot they were in last time Frost excuses himself, he slips outside unbeknownst that Ruby witnesses him slip out. Frost sees a shadowy figure run across the rooftops, the young man grows suspicious and manifests his Yamato. Frost follows Cinder very slowly while Ruby calls in her locker to retrieve her Crescent Rose.  Ruby catches up with him when they near the CCT tower 'Why the hell would she go to the CCT tower? Something isn't right and i got a bad feeling about this.' Frost catches up with Cinder while Ruby stays out of sight 'Frost don't do anything reckless.'  Frost quickdraws his Yamato to send out a projectile slash Cinder dodges. Frost sends out an ice beam that freezes Cinder in place, Frost heads over to the panel "A virus, nice try." after a bit of tinkering Cinder sends off a few arrows, Frost sends off a few energy swords to cancel them out. Cinder breaks out of the ice Ruby knocks her back with a recoil shot. "Frost keep doing your thing, I'll hold her off." Frost nods after a few close calls Frost stops the virus. 

(Frost Oakenshield and Ruby Rose Vs Cinder Fall)

Frost shoots down the arrows Cinder fires at him with his energy swords the duo clash blades with Cinder "Why are you doing this?" Cinder laughs a bit "Why? Because i can, I'm going to change the world and make it a better place for grim. And if you're going to stop me then I'll have to deal with you personally." Cinder forces the two back, "But that will be after i take down Beacon then Mistrial. A world where everyone will have someone to fear and respect. Me and only me."  Frost continues to block her attacks meanwhile Ruby could hardly hold her own in her current outfit. Frost sends out a few lightning bolts when that fails Frost summons a circle of energy swords around her. They stagger her allowing Frost to slash her arm just as she dodges his assault.

The elevator dings reveling General James Ironwood  Cinder knocks Frost back with a kick however he manages to pull off her mask. Cinder gets away the two turn around to face a glaring Ironwood "I would like to know why are you two in a restricted area?!" Frost takes his scroll out of his pocket he presses the pause button "I'm sure you would like to show this to the headmaster." Frost plays the audio recording of the fight Ironwood's glare switched to a shocked expression "Head back to the dance, I'll call in extra security and also have a search squad to look for the intruder." Frost nods the two head back to the dance Frost confronts Ozpin he holds up Cinder's mask "Seems like someone has tried to make their first move." Glynda takes the mask from his hand "Where did you get this?" "A little someone tried to plant a virus in the CCT system." Frost sends Ozpin the audio recording when he plays it he looks at Frost. "Thank you, did you by any means see her face?" "No she slipped into the shadows when i took her mask off, but i know who she possibly is." Goodwitch raises an eyebrow "Who Mr. Oakenshield?" "Cinder, the so called student from Haven." Goodwitch shakes her head "That's absurd." Ozpin holds up his hand "Thank you for bringing this to my attention Frost, please enjoy the rest of the night. I'll look into this as soon as possible. I'll also have Ironwood enhance the security level to prevent any viruses from happening."

Frost returns to his team where Blake runs up to him "Frost where have you been!?" "I had to stop a certain someone, from bringing Beacon to its knees." Blake takes a few steps back  "Who?" Frost looks over his shoulder to see an angry Cinder with her team "That little runt ruined our plans, i swear-" Mercury continues to slow dance with her "You might wanna keep it down Cinder." Blake catches Frost's gaze. "Ozpin and Ironwood has it under control." Seifer breaks out laughing just as the crowd starts laughing. Frost turns around to see Jaune Arc wearing a dress and converse "You gotta be kidding me." Squall facepalms while Zell tried to hide beside Ren. Tidus shakes his head "Now that's embarrassing." Frost sighs "You don't say." after the dance Frost walks Blake back to her dorm. "Thank you Frost, i never thought you would break out of your shell." Frost merely laughs  "I haven't, anyways enjoy the rest of your night, I'm going for a walk." "Don't stay up to late, we got a field trip tomorrow." Frost heads up to to the roof, a few minutes pass until he's confronted by Coco "You should get rest for the night, we got a field trip tomorrow." "Do you trust those so called Haven students?" Coco lowers her shades as Frost turns around "They were just enjoying the atmosphere these nothing wrong with that, besides you look more like a gentleman with your SeeD uniform on."  Frost scoffs "See you tomorrow." on his way to his dorm Frost makes minor eye contact with Cinder. Cinder shoots Frost a smirk while Frost shoots her a cold glare 'I don't know what you have planned but i will stop you. Beacon is my home and I'm not letting you or Sephiroth take it from me.'

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