Blades of Antihalation

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Ruby approaches her mothers gravesite she pulls down her hood as she drops on her knees. She sees a blue rose resting on the tombstone  "Strange, i think I've seen this kind of a rose before.' "Hey mom, sorry i haven't came by in a while. Oh dad here's too he's uh, you He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me he's going to be on some missions soon. I think he misses adventuring with you...I miss you too. I guess it's like they say: like mother like daughter. Wish me luck, it was a good talk." Ruby stands back up as her and Tai head back to Amity Colosseum to see Mr. X go up against Nora, Ruby takes a seat with her team "Did i miss anything?" Yang lightly chuckles "You missed Frosty kick Neon's ass, after she embarrassed him a bit." meanwhile Frost watches the match between Mr. X and Nora. Frost took a spot beside Coco "Yo Coco." "What's up Frost?" Frost wanted an answer to the question that has bothered him ever since the new Atlas students arrived "Who is Mr. X?" "Unfortunately no one knows him, as a matter fact almost nothing is known about him." Frost shoots Coco a side glance "You're serious, out of anything not even his birthday?" Coco shakes her head "But he has remarkable skill, he took down swarms of grimm all by himself."  

Mr. X lets Nora get close before dodging several attacks before knocking her back with a straight kick to the gut, Nora slides back a bit with a smirk Nora dashes at Mr. X who evades with elegance. However Nora smashes her hammer against the floor the shockwave sends the mystery man rolling back, Mr. X jumps back up Nora's hammer morphs into a grenade launcher. Mr. X dodges the grenades fired at him the mysterious man closes the distance and knocks Nora back with a vicious combo,  Nora rebounds while the mystery man stands still in place. Mr. X quickdraws his double action revolver and fires at Nora, Nora waits until Mr. X closes the distance to knock him back with a punch to the gut. Mr. X rebounds though now more serious he holsters his gun and tosses his chain dart around Nora's grenade launcher. Nora smirks and sends an electric charge throughout her weapon that shocks Mr. X, he drops his chain and recoils back. Nora takes the opportunity to shoot him with a barrage of grenade rounds, when the pink dust clears Mr. X is missing. Nora looks up at one of the hologram screens to see that he still has 50% of his aura left, Nora looks around she sees a shadow appear behind her. Before she could turn around a fist collides with her temple sending her staggering, her grenade launcher is kicked from her hands Mr. X follows up his ruthless assault with fierce punches and kicks before defeating her with a roundhouse kick. Frost shakes his head 'Who is this man? Is a demon, or some sort of project from Shinra?'  Coco elbows Frost she points at the screen to that his team is up next 'Oh, this should be fun.' Frost heads down to the arena  to see that he will be facing Ruby.

(Frost Oakenshield Vs Ruby Rose) 

"I guess this is where it ends Frost, may the best leader win." Frost slightly smirks "Indeed, may the best leader win." Ruby instantly closes the distance Frost knocks her back by jabbing her in the gut with his sheath, Ruby slides back before attempting to close the distance again. Frost slashes at the rose petals only to no avail, Ruby slashes at Frost who blocks each of her attacks but is almost knocked out of bounds by a recoil shot, Frost teleports back up to Ruby and sends off a few fireballs; Ruby evades and fires at Frost with a her sniper setting. Frost teleports side to side before closing the distance, Frost blade locks with Ruby who knocks Frost back with another recoil shot. Frost teleports back up and fires off a rapid barrage of energy swords Ruby dashes around the son of Sparda, Frost fires off a lightning spell that sends Ruby near the edge. Frost slowly approaches Ruby and slowly begins to sheath his blade thinking fast the young huntress reloads a clip of fire dust rounds into her sniper before shooting Frost in the face, Frost staggers back letting out a yell Ruby knocks his Yamato out of his hand. Frost begins teleporting around her, Ruby fires off in different directions but her bullets go right through the blue blurs. Frost manages to retrieve his blade however Ruby loads her Crescent Rose with Lightning dust rounds, Frost drags his Yamato across the stadium floor before slashing at her before his blade makes contact with Ruby she dashes behind him to nail him with a recoil shot. Frost is sent rolling he gets up a bit before dropping back down, Frost listens closely as Oobleck speaks "It seems like Mr. Oakenshield has been defeated. But stay tuned as we will begin the loser streak for the unfortunate ones." Frost sheaths his blade as he stands up

Frost regroups with his team Zell shamefully shakes his head "Dude what happened out there, do you have a soft spot for Ruby?" Frost merely laughs "No, i was only testing her combative skills. And I'll say she passed."  "And that did you what? A nicer guy, because we lost! And who knows who we will face next!" "Calm yourself, we we're given a second chance. Whoever we face next isn't really my concern." Seifer nods in agreement "I agree with Frost, whoever we face next will go down badly."  Frost sees Mr. X and Vector walk by "I'll catch up with you later, I'm going to have a talk with our friends over there."  Zell grabs Frost's arm before he walks away "Be careful Frost, they seem the kind that you don't want to walk into in a dark alley."  Frost nods before walking away, the son of Sparda follows them for ten minutes but loses them after they walk behind a few oak trees. Frost feels a gun press against the back of his head "Turn around and drop your sword." Frost slowly turns around to see Mr. X and Vector aiming handguns at him "Please a gun doesn't scare me, as a matter fact guns are for cowards." Mr. X readies a bullet in the chamber that only results in him smirking. "You don't think I'm serious." Vector shoots the tree next to Frost "That was a warning next one goes in your skull." "Hmph, how about you quit hiding your faces like a bunch of cowards and face me like a man."  Both Vector and Mr. X exchange glances for a minute before nodding, Mr. X lowers his scarf and Vector removes his gas mask to reveal that Mr. X has a very pale face. And Vector has small scars on his face "Now, the reason why I followed you, who are you?" "I'm Vincent also codenamed Mr. X and this is one of my teammates, Jace codenamed Vector. But this has to stay between us, we are currently on a classified mission by general James Ironwood." "Let me guess looking for the one who tried sabotaging the CCT tower in Beacon?" "Yes, how did you know?" Frost lightly chuckles "I was the one who caught the intruder, her name's Cinder but unfortunately my statement was dismissed by Goodwitch."  "Thank you for the tip, we'll keep an eye on them." the two put their masks back on before activating their cloaks and disappearing out of sight. "Huh, that makes three of us then." Frost walks back to civilization and unintentionally brushes past Cinder the two exchange glances Frost gives her his cold glare while Cinder gives him her evil smirk. 'Keep walking, soon you will understand the real meaning of power.' 

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