All Along The Watchtower

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(A week later) Today was the day the Beacon dance was being hosted Frost wasn't too happy. Team CFVY just happened to get back to Beacon just on time, however Frost was nowhere to be found meanwhile team RWBY dragged team ShadowMosses along to help team Coffee to set up the dance. Coco realizes that Frost isn't anywhere to be seen she lowers her shades to look Zell in the eyes "Where's Frost? He's coming isn't he?" Zell looks at Seifer nervously "Well, Frost has been extra grumpy than usual. So therefore i can't really confirm if he is, theoretically speaking no." Yang shakes her head as she sets up the speakers "Same with Blake." Coco shakes her head "Don't worry I'll MAKE them come, Seifer and Squall will make sure Frost will be here tonight. Right guys?" Squall and Seifer exchange glances "Yeah....sure."  meanwhile Frost was currently talking to Ozpin in his office. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about Mr. Oakenshield?" "You'll find this interesting." 

(Two hours ago) Frost walks through an alley way the young man stops in his tracks, he studies his surroundings due to the feeling of being watched. Frost quickdraws his Yamato with the blade pointing behind him, only to see nothing. Frost feels a blade press against his back, Frost turns around he blade clashes with Neo's. The two blade lock for the longest moment Frost forces Neo back when his blade makes contact with her head for a decapitation she shatters. Frost is thrown off guard Neo drop kicks him from behind. Frost rolls on his back Neo stomps on his face to knock him out. (Later that day)  Frost began to wake up Frost scans the room to see that he's in a warehouse Roman lifts Frost's chin a bit to look him in the eyes "Finally you're awake." Frost goes to move his hands only for them to be bound by chains Cinder walks in the room with Adam, Sephiroth and Neo. Adam smirks as he makes eye contact with him "So a little puppy snooping around where he shouldn't be looking." Cinder picks up Frost's Yamato from a table she unsheathes  the blade "Fine piece...for a son of Sparda." Cinder presses the blade against his neck "So tell me why where you snooping around with your friend?" Frost doesn't say a word, Cinder growls and slaps him across the face "Answer me!" Frost smirks he laughs when he stops he stares Cinder in the eyes. "Did you think i wouldn't be expecting this, an ambush? How predictable can you be?" 

Adam growls he impales Frost, Frost takes the stab he smirks evilly and activates his Devil Trigger breaking from his chains. Frost hits Cinder with a palm strike that sends her across the room, Frost takes back his Yamato. Frost transforms back to his base form the young man freezes both Adam and Roman in their position.  "Why did you kidnap me Cinder?" Cinder begins to walks towards Frost  "Why? Because you and i will bring Beacon down and for you i will give you power. So please release my friends and we will forget this all happened." Frost sheaths his blade activating a Judgement Cut. Cinder recoils back allowing Frost to cut open a portal to escape back to Beacon Cinder's aura heals her wounds as she gets back to her feet "I'll take that as a no." (Present) Frost and Ozpin walk into the ballroom to see that the dance is almost set up "So Cinder is going to bring Beacon to its knees. I think that'll be impossible your team is Beacons top best." "Thank you Ozpin." Ozpin pats Frosts shoulder "You seem frustrated, what's bothering you?" Frost sighs with a scowl "Hunters are suppose to train, fight and embrace their strengths to get stronger. Not waste their time on pointless events, that only slows them down from their goal."  "That may be, but students like you are capable to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget."

Yang walks up to Frost with an annoyed expression "Where have you been!? You've been gone for half of the day!" Ozpin takes a sip from his coffee "I'll let you two catch up, and Frost think about what i said."  Frost nods before making eye contact with Yang "My sincerest apologies for my absence i was a bit 'tied' up." Yang shakes her head "I need your help." Frost sighs he was about to walk away until Yang placed her hand on his shoulder "It's about Blake." Frost turns around to face her "Why should i even care?" Yang pushes Frost up against the wall "How could you be so ignorant!? This is your ally your talking about! And you're going to push her away like that!?" Frost forces Yang off "Ok, humor me what's wrong with Blake?" "She's been horrible, her grades have fallen, she can't sleep, she doesn't eat and she's been focused on finding Roman." Frost sweeps his hair back "It's not my problem." "If not for me then for my team." Frost shakes his head, knowing that she won't leave him alone he sighs. "Fine, I'll talk some sense into her." "Thank you, just don't-" Frost gives Yang a scowl "I won't hurt her, she actually reminds me of myself." "Oh yeah, she's in the library just so you know." 

Frost heads to the library he messages Blake from his scroll while he leans against a bookshelf.  Blake ignores his message, he messages her again and again until she answers "What do you want I'm busy!?" "Look for the man in the black coat." Blake looks around for a bit until she spots him, he motions for her to follow him. They head to a class room "So, not interested in the dance?" Blake scoffs "Don't tell me you are?! The almost unbeatable student of Beacon!" Frost shakes his head "And you seriously think you can stop Roman if you couldn't even beat Sephiroth! And what will you do if you fail run and try again?" Blake pushes Frost into a wall "And what about you?! All you do is look down on everyone else who are doing better than you!  And all you can do is sit back, read poetry while Roman and the others plan out their next move and none of us know what it is!" Frost pushes Blake a bit "And then what!? You will be captured if you aimlessly try! Your predictable with the lack of strength, you and i may be similar but we're completely different!" Blake pushes Frost harder into the wall "At least I can hold my own!" Frost pushes Blake harder resulting in her falling to the floor. "You're tired and worn down like an old dog, in your condition you will easily be defeated. Your weak like a kitten, with claws that can do little damage." Blake stares at the floor "How are you so perfect?" "Unlike you, i was born to be a member of solider. With the power of Sparda to aid me in combat." Frost shakes his head, he helps Blake up  'Fuck it it's now or never, Yang right now i hate you.' "What if i went with you." Blake smiles with a nod "I guess i will be seeing you tonight then." 

(Later that night) Frost, Squall and Zell dressed in their SeeD uniforms while Seifer and Tidus wore suits that were lend by Ren. "I can't believe Yang dragged me into this. I thought i made myself clear that i wasn't going."  Seifer scoffs "I think some of the students will be dishonored because they don't have a date like you."  Frost shakes his head "All they see is a straight A student." Zell pulls Frost up from his bed "It's time, go get your date!" Frost shakes his head resulting in Seifer laughing "The young wolf has finally found someone he cares about." Frost scoffs "Don't get too ahead of yourself, I'm just doing Yang a favor." 

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