The Lion and The Wolf

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Later that day Blake, Sun and Frost went to the docks. Blake and Frost hid behind some shipping containers, Blake asked Frost questions while he read his book. "So, Mundus who is he?" "Mundus is the Demon Emperor, the strongest son of bitch you could ever know. Speaking of which is there anyone in particular you know from the White Fang." Sun dropped beside Frost "Sup, i got some fruit." Frost peeks over the container to see a few White Fang members and Sephiroth 'Why would Sephiroth be in the White Fang?' Blake sees this just as Roman steps out of an airship "Hey! What's the hold up? We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, sooo why don't you animals try to pick up the pace." Frost looks over in Blakes direction "This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that." Blake jumps down while Frost takes a different rout, he jumps from container to container until he's above Roman "No you  idiot! This isn't a leash!" Blake rushes behind Roman Sephiroth manifests his blade "What the--? Oh for f-" Frost stays in his position whilst keeping an eye on Sephiroth. "Nobody move!" Roman stays calm at the same time mocking Blake "Woah take it easy there little lady."  Blake takes off her bow Frost on the other hand was more worried what Sephiroth will do "Brothers of the White Fang. Why are you aiding this scum?"  

"Heh, oh kid. Didn't you get the memo?" "What are you talking about?" "The White Fang and i are going in on a joint business venture together." Sephiroth on the other hand lets out an evil laugh "Frost i know you're there partner come on out."  Frost stays back while Blake continued to interrogate Roman "Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation." A few airships hover nearby "I wouldn't call it a little operation." Frost jumps down just as Roman shoots a flare into the ground sending off an explosion. Frost teleports up to Sephiroth where the two clash blades "Finally we meet again, just like old times Frosty." the two part away "I never thought I'd see you join the White Fang. What are you planning?" Sephiroth merely laughs "That would spoil the fun i have planned for you."  Frost pushes a strand of his hair aside whilst getting into a defensive stance "If i can't talk it out of you then I'll beat it out of you."  "Come and try."

(Frost Oakenshield, Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong Vs Sephiroth and Roman Torchwick)

Frost and Sephiroth trade blows back and forth Sephiroth activates his Shadow Flare limit breaker on Sun. Sun is disoriented allowing Roman to shoot him with a flare, Frost surrounds Sephiroth with a circle of energy swords. Sephiroth staggers back Frost sheaths his blade to activate a Judgement Cut, Frost unsheathes his blade however in the reflection of his blade he sees a red light approaching him. He teleports to the side to dodge a flare from Roman, he looks at the container above Frost he looks up to see Ruby "Hello there red isn't it past your bedtime." Sephiroth grins as Ruby leaps off Sephiroth goes to stab at her. Only to be knocked into a container by Frost's Flash limit breaker, however Ruby is still knocked back by a flare shot by Roman. Frost and Sephiroth get into a defensive stance they look up at the container to see Penny who looks at Ruby "I'm combat ready." Frost simply scoffs "What could an all talk programed student like her can really do." Sephiroth gives Frost a confused stare "What are you talking about  'programed'?" Frost scoffs as her turns to face Sephiroth "She's an android only Atlas has the money and technology to create androids." blades surround Penny as they shoot around the dock Sun jumps on Sephiroth's shoulders before leaping in front of him, Sun dodges his sweeps while Frost activates his Magical Sword limit breaker.

Sephiroth jumps up whilst in mid-air he expands his one angel wing "Enough games, it's time to end this." Sephiroth drops down above Blake to impale her, Frost teleports up to her at the same time he hits Roman in the gut with his sheath that knocks him into a container. However Frost is impaled by Sephiroth "You were always inferior to me, because unlike you I'm a legend. A cut above everyone else." Frost grabs his Masamune blade he proceeds to push the blade out surprising Sephiroth as a result. "What!? No impossible!" Frost grips the blade and tosses Sephiroth into a container, he sheaths his blade that cuts a hook that was suspending a container up. Sephiroth cuts the container in half  as well as deflecting all of the blades that Penny fires at him. Roman and Sephiroth retreat to an airship, Roman takes one last look at the aftermath "These kids keep on getting weirder." Sephiroth takes a look at Frost "This isn't over I'll be back." Frost scoffs as his wound heals Blake on the other hand stands shocked with a few of  his blood drops on her face. "How did you do that?" Frost sighs "I'm a son of Sparda his blood runs through my body as well as his demonic magic, it sure gives me a handicap in a dire situation." 

Later that evening the rest of team RWBY and team ShadowMosses regroup with their rightful teammates. Weiss walks up to Blake with Ruby trying to defend her "Look Weiss it's not what you think.  I should explain, you see, she doesn't actually have a bow she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute." after Weiss is done confronting Blake she turns towards Frost who finished explaining  his whole backstory to his team, they found it very interesting, badass and even spectacular. "And you." Frost faces Weiss who gives him back his half of the perfect amulet "I would like to know where you got this, it's origin is unknown and not even its rarity is known."  Frost takes back his amulet "Have you ever wondered how i know so much about Sparda and the battle between him and Mundus?"  "Kind of."  Frost pushes a strand of his hair to the side now all members of each team are listening closely "Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Frost, Nadir, Oakenshield. The third son of Sparda. The amulet is my half of the perfect amulet and my blade is no ordinary blade, it's the legendary Yamato used by Sparda to seal the demon world from the human. And thus it's also the blade i barely won from Gilgamesh as you learned from Zell." Weiss places her hand on Frosts shoulder "Don't keep something hidden away that will effect with your emotions, if you need to get something off your mind come to your team or allies and not....someone else." Frost for once gives her a reassuring nod "I'll keep that in mind." Ruby smiles happily  "The teams are back together now!" "I only miss my room, the hotel that Blake and i stayed at with sun had bedbugs." Seifer laughs whilst patting his shoulder "It's good to have you back." 

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