A New Start

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Quistis was currently having a meeting with Professor Ozpin from Beacon Academy it was currently lunchtime for the students . "So, what brings you to SeeD Professor?"  Ozpin takes a sip from his coffee "I've heard that you have the best students and since summer is almost over, how about you send a few students to my school." Quistis ponders for a moment "I have a few students that i can send over to you. There's Frost who's my top student, he never failed a test and is a straight A student-" just as Quistis was about to continue her top student Frost Oakenshield walks in. "Excuse me Quistis i forgot my book here." Quistis looks in Frosts direction "You mean this book." Quistis holds up "The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake" "Yes, thank you Quistis." Quistis tosses Frost his book Ozpin looks in his direction before he leaves "If you don't mind, Quistis and i were, discussing about a few students coming over to my school." Frost turns towards Ozpin "So would you like to join my school?" Frost takes a moment to think about it before gazing back at Ozpin "Sure, I'll go." Ozpin takes a sip from his coffee "I'm looking forward on seeing you for four years." 

(One week later) Frost stood on an airship with his best friends Seifer, Zell and Squall the three gossiped while Frost read his book, Frost was drawn away from his reading when a familiar voice called out to him "Frost...is that you?" Frost marks his spot with his bookmark as he looks up to see Tidus sitting across from him. "Tidus?" Frost walks over to him and the two slap hands "The last time i saw you was before your blitz-ball tournament."  "It's been a while since i played, but i still got my moves to win." Tidus shakes his head at Frosts straight forward and dry responses "You haven't changed a bit have you?"  Frost gets slapped on the back by Zell "You mean the quiet, cold, calculating, distant and poetry reading teenager." Tidus shakes his head "That's him." Frost sighs "This is Zell."  Frost was about to continue until a holographic blond woman interrupted a news broadcast. "Who the fuck is she?"  "I am Glynda Goodwitch-" Frost walks away disinterested  over to Seifer who's staring out the window "You don't care either?" Seifer shakes his head "Nope, we're no amateurs stuff like that are for beginners, but not people like you and i who look forward to achieving their dreams. You have dreams don't you Frost?" Frost nods "To gain power to become stronger than anyone has ever seen. Power that surpasses Sparda." Seifer laughs "You sure haven't changed a bit, but i like that that's what i call a dream." 

The group reach Beacon Academy Frost goes his own way, Frost reads his book until an explosion catches his eye Frost marks his spot and places the book in his coat. Frost sees Ruby being yelled at by the heiress Weiss Schnee "Unbelievable! What do you have to say for yourself!?" Frost walks up to the two  "Listen here princess, back at home you were something special, but here in  big leagues you're nothing but a pathetic little armature." "How dare you! Do you know who i am!?" Frost was about to speak until Blake interfered "Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee dust company."  Frost scoffs "No wonder why you think you're the queen of the castle." Frost only angers Weiss even more. "What? how dare...The nerve of...Ugh!"  Frost walks away leaving Ruby alone, Frost finds a secluded area "If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise." Frost was about to read another line until someone kicked his foot Frost looks up to see Coco Adel "You know i never thought a first year student would be such a rebel." Frost sighs "Who's talking?" Coco lowers her shades to make eye contact with Frost "Coco Adel, you?" "Frost Oakenshield." Frost was about to continue reading until Coco flicked his forehead "I didn't come here to chitchat, I'm here for a reason."  "Oh really what for?" Frost snaps his book shut before placing it in his coat. "Only if you want to start tomorrow not knowing what to do." 

Frost heads to the auditorium with Coco Frost listens to Ozpin's minute long speech, what he didn't want to hear was where Glynda told them where they'll be sleeping for the night "You'll all be gathering in the ballroom tonight tomorrow will be your initiation." Frost simply sighs as he pushes a strand of his hair to the side. Later that night Frost stayed in the corner he wasn't far from Blake. Although it was almost impossible to find a quiet spot to read. Blake however could sense his annoyance "Trying to read?" Frost sighs out of frustration "Yeah, and how can someone like you or i read with all of this going on. Especially those to over there." Frost motions over to Ruby and Yang, Frost slightly gazes from his book "What are you reading?" Blake looks up from her book with a surprised expression. "A man with two souls, one is fighting for control. And you?" Frost slightly grins "A Marriage Between Haven and Hell, who could hate William Blake." the quietness was cut short when Yang walked over with Ruby "Helloooo! I'm pretty sure you may know each other." Frost grows annoyed but doesn't show it "I may." Frost sets his coat beside his sleeping bag, Blake on the other hand mentions the event that took place a few hours ago. "Aren't you that girl who exploded?" Frost does his best to tune them out until Ruby mentions why she wanted to become a huntress. "As a girl, i wanted to be just like those hero's in the books...Someone who fought for what was right, and protect people who couldn't protect themselves!" Frost looks up from his book with an intimidating expression Blake shakes her head for him to stand down, Frost sighs. Both Ruby and Yang get into a scuffle that draws Weiss over "What on earth is going on over here!?" Frost snaps his books shut with a now pissed off expression as Ruby and Yang shout "Oh not you again!" both Yang and Weiss argue while Ruby tires to diffuse the situation. "You might wanna go back to your bed snow princess before i get angry."  Weiss sees his expression on his face that was now a murderous expression plus he also had his hand on the handle of his Yamato. 

Everyone calls it a night unlike everyone else Frost couldn't sleep on a hard floor with Frost spent 15 minutes tossing and turning that catches Blake's attention. "Can you please stop moving so much, you need your sleep for tomorrow." Frost sighs whilst moving some of his hair out of his face "Unlike you and more than half of the students here, i can't sleep on a hard floor." "It's better than nothing."  (The next day) Frost along with Squall and Seifer were finishing their morning routine, Frost sweeps his hair back after he finishes his shower. He puts his coat on while Seifer and Squall gets their  gunblade's from their lockers. "So did you hear about teams?" Seifer mockingly smiles "Oh you better bet that we'll be a team." Frost scoffs "Speaking of which how was your sleep on a hard floor." Seifer shakes his head "I would rather sleep on the floor of our dorm back at SeeD." Squall sighs "Uncomfortable." Frost smiles as they make their way to the Beacon cliff. His team was the first since they were up way before anyone else was. Frost grips his Yamato while Ozpin gave his speech, Frost gazes up at Glynda when she took over.  "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates...today." Ozpin mentions about collecting a relic and getting back to the cliff. Frost lost interest until each of them were being sent off Blake elbows him from the left "I never got your name, I'm Blake." Frost sweeps his hair back "Frost Oakenshield, I'll be seeing you on the other side." once Frost is sent off he unsheathes his Yamato and slices through on coming tree branches, Frost stabs his blade into the tree while descending down Frost sheaths his blade. "It begins."

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