The Black Angel

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(A few days later) Frost was in the library taking part in a game of Remnant Frost controlled Mistrial while Weiss controlled Atlas, Yang had Vacuo and Ruby controlled Vale. Yang stares up at Frost with a mocking smirk "Get ready to lose Frosty!" "Heh, come and try."  Yang sends her Beowolves to invade Frosts kingdom  "You did exactly what i wanted you to do." Yang gives Frost a grin "I activate the trap. Tundra, now your Beowolves are trapped in place for two turns." Frost sends his Arma Gigas to invade Vacuo only for Yang to shake her index ginger in a "No" movement. "I activate the trap Giant Nevermore." Frost lets out a dark chuckle "I activate the trap, Raging Blizzard. Now if i roll a 2, 4 or a 6 then your attack is halved by the number i roll." Weiss darts in Frosts direction with shocked expression "And you do know that if you roll a 1, 3 or a 5 then that's how many cards your opponent can take from your hand and or discard pile." Frost rolls a 2 while his second roll for Giant Nevermore lands on 5. Frost laughs mischievously "I knew you would be sneaky, so that's why i had this for backup. I activate Call of The Undead." Yang stares at Frost Stunned "Where did you get that!?" "You can say i traded this for a rare card i had, as you know Call of The Undead allows me to bring back three monsters and i choose my Nevermore and two Arma Gigas."  Yang picks up a face down card "Try telling that to my Peace Treaty trap card. You see it's basic your entire fleet gets sent back to your kingdom." 

Frost lets out a grunt as he moves all of his monsters back to the starting point  the game eventually escalates quickly to where Frost and Yang are the last two remaining while Frost read his book "The hours of folly measur'd by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure."  Yang declares an attack on Frost's kingdom only for the young man to grin "You did exactly what i wanted you to do, I activate the trap Dust Tornado. And Sandstorm, Dust Tornado weakens flying monsters while Sandstorm disables ground forces. Which allows me to activate Maelstrom. Blake quickly looks up from her book "Where did you get that!? Only fifty of those were made!"  Ruby looks over at Blake "How bad is it?" Blake lightly scoffs "Bad, Maelstrom is a very dangerous trap card, it not only delays the attack but it allows the user to search through an opponents discard pile and pick any trap card. And activate it immediately while the user also gets to add three trap cards from his or another players discard pile. What's worse is that the opponent has to discard two trap cards from their hand."  Frost is left the winner resulting in Yang slumping down Frost gathers up his cards as he stands up "Better luck next time." 

on the other hand Jaune was rambling to Ren until he overheard him a bit "Yeah, so i heard that Frost is-" Seifer cuts off Jaune by kicking him in the shin "A strong built man a very brave man at that, seriously back at SeeD he did  over a hundred push-ups and sit-ups like they were nothing." Frost sighs as he puts his cards in his backpack. "I got to get going." Ruby looks up with a concerned look "Already?" Frost checkouts a few books before heading back to his dorm, Blake follows him "Do you have a moment." Frost sighs without turning around "It better be important." "You know...the White Fang...and you know that certain someone." Frost slightly looks over his shoulder "What brings 'him' up?" Blake gives Frost that "You know why" look. Frost nods. "Ok lets talk...but not here." Frost drops his stuff off in his dorm before meeting Blake in her dorm. Frost leans against the desk "This better be good." Frost could tell that she was in distress Blake sits on her bed in the fetal position "Aren't you worried what Sephiroth has planned next? Or worried for the safety of our teams?" 

Frost sighs as he looks away from her amber eyes "Of course i am, Sephiroth is a menace to all of the students of Beacon. His skills with the blade alone makes any student look like an amateurs." Frost looks up at Blake with a puzzled expression "Is that all you wanted to interrogate me for, or is there more to it than my former ally?" Blake looks at Frost with an "Are you serious" expression. "Sephiroth is with the White Fang! How could you not worry about that!?" Frost sighs "To create a little flower is the labour of ages. If there's a problem i deal with it, and Sephiroth is our main problem...but what are we suppose to do if we don't know where he is?" Blake was about to answer until team RWBY along with Zell walk in, Yang on the other hand was complaining how she lost to Frost. "I told you Ruby he just got lucky." "Really i recall you saying. Where did he get that super rare card!? Where did he get that card!? How could i have lost to him!?" Yang shrieks sees Frost leaning against the desk "Frost how the hell did you-" "Blake and i were having a conversation before you guys walked in if you couldn't tell. And to answer your question i got that card from my brother, Remnant was the only game we became pros at. As for a thank you i gave him Glaciers, it's a great card to use if you control Atlas." 

Frost attempts to slip past Zell Weiss quickly catches on and stops him "Frost!"  the young man stops in his tracks not even turning around. "Turn around." Frost softly scoffs "Why?" "Just do it." Frost obeys with a disinterested expression "What now?" Weiss crosses her arms with a slight glare "For the past few days you've been avoiding everyone, disinterested, antisocial, cold, and overall dry towards any conversation without showing any remorse." Zell scratches the back of his head "Have you met the guy snow angel?" Frost stands with his arms crossed as Weiss points in his direction "So Frost what's wrong!?" Frost gazes at her seeing her standing on a chair, she drops back down before almost losing her balance "Nothing." Weiss stares down Frost, Blake gets up from her bed to break the silence "We may never be ready! Our enemies aren't going to sit around and wait for graduation day. They're out there somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not!" Frost sweeps his hair back "Why do you think I've been wanting to get stronger? It's because of Sephiroth, he's your main concern." Weiss gaze at Frost "You made a promise you wouldn't hide anything, not to me but to your team and allies." Frost merely laughs  "No bird soars too high. If he soars with his own wings." Blake shoots Frost an annoyed glare "This isn't the time for poetry, the White Fang is unpredictable at this point!" Frost shakes his head "That's why you should leave Sephiroth to me. At least than it'd be a fair fight." "You barely did any damage to him in your last fight! So how could you possibly beat him!?" Frost once again sighs "If you'd like to face him yourself be my guest, just know your chances at beating him is almost none." Ruby gets between the two with Frost somewhat interested "Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest huntsmen and huntresses to singlehandedly taking down a corrupt organization that is conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale say 'Aye'!"  'You gotta be kidding me.' everyone agrees while Ruby was left dishonored  "None of you said 'Aye'."  Frost stands straight "Well i wish you luck than." Zell pats Frosts shoulder "That's right I'll be sure to tell our team!" 'Oh no.' Ruby nods as Zell practice a few of his punches "Good idea, I'll let you guys know when we head to Vale." 

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