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Frost sees that the sun is beginning to set he makes his way back to Amity Colosseum, team ShadowMosses made it to the final stage of the Vytal Festival. Frost scoffs as he sees Desmond and Genesis beat Jaune and Pyrrha 'Lucky brother but you still don't understand the meaning of power.' Zell rapidly taps Frost on the shoulder "Hey! We're going against team SSSN, who's facing off?" Frost stands up and pushes a strand of his hair to the side "I will, It's about time that we ended this tournament with a bang." "Alight! Good luck man!" Frost heads down to the arena while Oobleck and Port announce the contestants. "Seems like we have quite the match wouldn't you say professor?" "It's doctor, and yes indeed. We have the top student of Beacon Academy and former student of SeeD Frost Oakenshield versus Neptune Vasilias." Frost walks coldly onto the arena while Neptune waves at the crowd before staring down Frost "So, this is how it ends. The so called legendary Frost Oakenshield losing to a superior Haven student." "That's because i am a legend, my skills are far more superior yours are childish." Neptune readies his Tri-Hard "Ouch, I'm hurt. But no worries I'll gladly put you in your place." Frost scoffs before taking out his book before Frost could turn to his marked page he hears Ruby from the crowd. "Go Frost show him who's a new edition of a leader!" 'You gotta be kidding me.' 

(Frost Oakenshield Vs Neptune Vasilias)

Frost opens to his marked page "To see a world in a grain of san and heaven in a wildflower hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour." Frost teleports side to side as he dodges lightning bolts fired at him. The son of Sparda places his book back in his coat and tosses his Yamato at Neptune, who knocks it to the side Neptune looks around trying to search for Frost. Frost casts a few lightning spells, the son of Sparda teleports up to Neptune to follow up with his Eclipse limit breaker. Neptune scrambles to his feet he faces Frost with a smug grin, Neptune transforms his Tri-Hard to its Guandao setting. Frost blocks all of Neptune's attacks the two clash blades violently the force from the final collision sends both combatants back a few feet. 

Frost sends out a few projectile slashes Neptune blocks them as well as all of the spells Frost fires at him "Face it kid your tricks are useless here outside of your hometown." "Well i guess I'll just have to kick it up a notch." Frost activates Power Break the two resume their violent stalemate. However Neptune can't force Frost back no matter how much force he puts into his attack, Frost knocks Neptune back with a power strike to the face. Frost activates Armor Break the son of Sparda teleports up to Neptune this time to activate his Dreadful Roar limit breaker Neptune is sent rolling, Frost teleports up to Neptune and kicks his Tri-Hard away. Frost yanks Neptune up and headbutts him that sends him staggering back, Frost finishes Neptune off with his Flash limit breaker before wiping out the last bit of his aura with a Judgement Cut.  "Too late." 

later that day Frost walks towards the dorms until he feels someone tap his shoulder, the son of Sparda looks over his shoulder to see that one girl dressed in Black from Cinder's team "What do you want?" the girl looks behind him but Frost smirks as he hears someone yelling at him "FROST!" Frost darts around and jabs Desmond in the gut with his Yamato. Desmond is sent back but pulls off the sheath, the younger brother tosses the sheath back at Frost who is able to re-sheath it but only slides back a bit. Terra runs over to Desmond while ShadowMosses regroups with Frost "What the hell is wrong with you, wait! You're Frost aren't you!?" "I am, and you are?" "Terra Branford, i like your brother but not you." Frost scoffs him and his team walk past her while other students stare at them. Team ShadowMosses get back to their dorm they gossip for a bit seeing that their first year is coming to an end. "Although our first year was a success, unfortunately we're somehow inferior by the results of the tournaments. Not acknowledging Ruby's win."  Before anyone else could speak Frost's scroll beeps, the son of Sparda answers it to hear Ruby yelling on the other end "FROST! Get your team and meet us at the docks! Sephiroth ambushed us at the docks! As well as the White Fang! Come quick!"   Frost lets out an annoyed grunt "Those buffoons  couldn't keep their nose out of my business." Frost cuts open a portal him and his team step through, Adam and Sephiroth face team ShadowMosses while team RWBY can no longer fight. "Stay out of this Ruby, Seifer, Tidus, Zell take care of the White Fang. Squall and i will take care of Sephiroth and goat boy." Adam goes to charge at Frost but Sephiroth holds him back "At ease Adam, this is now fair. Two on two finally the legends clash, now we will see who will carry on the real legacy of a Shinra solider."  Frost unsheathes his Yamato  "We'll see, it's been an honor training with you during my first steps. But now you're legacy has come to an end." 

(Frost Oakenshield and Squall Leonhart Vs Sephiroth and Adam Taurus)

Adam is the first to attack Squall while Sephiroth and Frost wildly clash blades, however behind a few containers Zack is waiting for the right moment to strike. Frost and Sephiroth match each other strike for strike the two send each other into a container, the two start casting off spells that cancel each other out. Frost sends off a rapid barrage of energy swords Sephiroth takes flight and cuts a container lose, Frost sees that Blake is under it and teleports over to her to move her out of the way. "Seems like you actually have feelings for someone, just like how i always cared about my mother Jenova."  Dark clouds cover the normal ones Frost looks around to see that it's almost pitch black, that not even a flashlight would be able to aluminate a far distance. "What is your plan? Why did Cinder and her team pose as a false Mistrial students?" "Unfortunately, i did not have any part in that event."  The two resume their fight Sephiroth impales Frost and rams him into a shipping container to push his blade in further, Frost lets out a yell of agony Sephiroth looks at him amused, Blake on the other hand manages to crawl over to her Gambol Shroud. She manages to switch it to its gun mode and shoots Sephiroth a few times, Zack sees the opening he's been waiting for and initiates his Rush Attack limit breaker.

Zack heals Frost with his Healing Wave limit breaker as well as team RWBY "I couldn't leave an EX-solider struggling on the battlefield now could i?"  "No, you couldn't. Good to see you." "We'll talk later right now we have to deal with Sephiroth." Frost stands up while Sephiroth looks over at Blake, Frost teleports up to Sephiroth while Zack flanks him. Meanwhile with Squall and Adam, Squall blocks all of Adam's strikes. Adam managed to wear down Squall overtime the two exchange hits but Squall is the one on one knee. Adam lets out a dark chuckle "Have you had enough or do you need more?" Squall waits for Adam to get close enough to activate his Renzokuken in his face, Squall follows up with his Fated Circle limit breaker. Adam is sent into a container, the high leader goes for round two only for Sephiroth to blade lock with him "The hell Sephiroth! Get out of my way!" "Calm yourself, head back to base. I'll be sure to dispose of them." Adam leaves while Sephiroth turn towards the last three combatants "Any last words?" Frost lightly chuckles "Yes...Blade Storm!" Frost activates his Devil Trigger while Squall and Zack attack Sephiroth from both sides, Frost dashes back and forth five times before following up with his Eclipse limit breaker. Zack follows up with fifth-teen power strikes and Squall follows through with his own power strikes. Frost turns back into his base form the three contact their blades together before delivering the final slashes. Sephiroth drops to his knees as blood drips from his wounds "Impressive....you've passed." Frost looks at Sephiroth confused "Passed? Passed what?" Sephiroth smirks "You wanted power...you'll get your wish." Sephiroth fades away to the lifestream leaving Frost with more questions than answers

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