Chapter 1

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Slouched against the wall Jisung sighed harshly as he ran a hand through his tangled hair, wanting nothing more than the earth to swallow his whole, he squinted his eyes at the bright sunlight falling directly over him making his already caramel hair glow up and his honey eyes shimmered as he fluttered his eyes shut and let out a dramatic exhale knowing he would probably have to go back soon.

He was 18- the prime age of finding your soulmate and he absolutely dreaded it, he didn't need a soulmate, well that's what he made himself believe but deep inside that was all he wanted though he never even admitted it to himself but that feeling still lingered deep within.

Standing up abruptly as his arm muscles flexed from the sudden motion and his hair bounced, he pulled out his phone, after sending a quick text he started walking towards the exit of the park, his eyes flickered over to the families enjoying not even aware that he was a gang member but he too needed peace and it was as right for him to visit a park as it was for anyone.

Jisung decided to walk his way back, countless of people passed him on the streets, rushing on with their lives while to him it seemed that only he was stuck in reverse. Immersed in his thoughts as he walked ahead with his head hung low but he was totaly aware of his surroundings, never letting his gaurd down.

He continued his path but just as he was about to turn the corner a body crashed into him and pushed him aside, stabilizing himself he wipped his face to the side only to find a girl staring at him, gawking to be exact, and thats when he knew that was intentional, he was quick to decipher her motives as she stepped forward probably a vain attempt to flirt.

She was unknown to who he was and what he was capable of, his eyes darkened as all the light faded out from his eyes and his hard glare made a shiver run down her spine, he didnt even had to speak to let her know she was in danger, just as he took as few steps towrads her, each step screamed power and authority, she shrinked back in fear and ran as fast as she could, afraid of what he could do to her.

The sun was almost down when he reached home and barged in, his mood not the best after that encounter with the flirt on the street, shrugging the thoughts off he went to rest a bit knowing he'll have to head out again for a little mission.

It was a beautiful night, the stars were scattered all over the sky shining like diamonds and the moonlight was giving a pretty view to the city. As Chaeyoung wandered through the streets, completly in her own world thinking how it will be like when she'll meet her soulmate, disregarding the surroundings entirely but not even a second later she bumped into someone's chest and was going to fall until a hand was wrapped around her waist.

She quikly made herself settled her my feet and apologized but when she saw his face she froze, there was a glint of surprise in her eyes when she called his name "J-Jisung?". He was somehow shocked when she mentioned his name but he recovered quick and said "Watch where you're going, now fucking move" giving her a death glare.

"I'm sorry- uh are you alright? You're bleeding" she asked him  irritating him further. "Its not mine" he hissed out making her take a step back, it was clear that he too was hurt at which she offered him a little help as she knew him as Chenle's bestfriend but she knew better than to cross the line, "but still you dont look fine let me-"  but he cut her off and growled , tone low and threatening "Shut up or I'll fucking kill you" was all he said and walked away without a second glance, leaving her stunned at his rudeness.

"Are you alright?" Chenle, his best friend asked as he examined his blood stained clothes. Discarding the weapons he had on him he scoffed as he replied " yeah, just great!". The strided into his room and slammed the door shut.

Chaeyoung on the other hand, layed awake on her bed, feeling something odd as if she was missing out on something but shrugged it off as she fell asleep rather quickly.

Jisung on the other hand was  struggling alot, a prisnor to his own thoughts, lastly he drifted off to sleep utterly late at night.

A/N: EDITED. Thankyou so much for the support on my book it means alot:)

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