Chapter 32

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       Dont leave me, it hurts so much

She awoke not even 5 mins later, tears started streamining down her face the moment she opened her eyes, she couldn't lose him, not him. She couldn't go through the same pain again.

She hated to admit it, she knew he wouldn't want her to say this but in the end it was all her fault, had she not been careless and had he not been on the verge of death.

She was in the car with Taeyong, he was so focused in driving that he didn't saw she woke up. A minute later when he parked the car outside hospital, he was worried as they had to bring him to the hospital and going to hospital after being shot is the last thing a mafia member would want.

But he trusted Yuta on it, he knew Yuta had something in mind that's why he suggested the hospital. Still it didn't made anything better because Taeyong knew he broke his promise and failed to protect Jisung, the one he loved a lot but what now he failed that's it, he even failed his duty as a leader, that's what he thought.

He got out wordlessly, then opened the door for Chaeyoung, her eyes were shut but he knew she was awake because of the hot tears cascading down her cheeks. He promised to protect her too but both of them were soulmates, if Jisung dies she dies with him. He couldn't lose them both.

It's all my fault

He brushed away the tears, and patted her head afterwards bringing her back to reality, after seeing Taeyong her tears increased but she didn't made any sound and harshly wiped away the tears. She had to be there for him, she has to save him.

On the other had all the other members, those who were at home were already informed about it and it didn't even took them long and they were outside the hospital, Jisung being shot was a shock to them afterall he was the most loved member, the youngest in the mafia.

The receptionist's eyes widened when she saw a never ending line of boys rushing inside the hospital, running and panting as they turned the corner without even a care in the world because all they wanted was to know was that Jisung is fine.

Jisung was in the operating room, passed out from too much blood loss, whilst some members were pacing back and forth, some seated patiently, Chaeyoung was sitting on the floor with her back to the wall, bloodstained clothes and hands, her head buried in her arms, resting on her kness that were pulled up, crying silently, blaming herself for it.

"Yuta?" Taeyong questioned as all the eyes were on Yuta expectantly, he knew couldn't hide the truth from them, the bitter truth which he wished he never knew. What he said made everyone's heart sank.

"The bullet busted one of the main arteries and-i, I can't say anything about him he's very critical."

No one not even a single person could take in the information, Chenle was crying at this point whilst Jaemin comforted him, They were unable to hold the the tears from falling even the new members couldn't. Taeyong was the only one not crying and they all knew was trying to be strong for them, and they admired him so much because was always there for them.

Taeyong couldn't stand seeing Chaeyoung like that so he crouched down next to her and rested her head on his shoulder whilst rubbing her back comfortingly. "You know he's strong, he won't leave you ever, he loves you Chae. He will be fine, don't blame yourself" he spoke softly.

"Yong, i-i can't go through this again, i want him back, h-he can't leave me, he p-promised" she cries between her sobs. "He won't Chae, trust me" Taeyong replied in attempts to calm her down.

Nurses were running in and out, whilst they waited outside parying for the surgery to go well. That was until Chaeyoung coughed, she started coughing violently and soon she was coughing up blood, which only meant one thing, Park Jisung was dying.

Chenle rushed to her and she immediately hugged him and cried harder, both of them crying uncontrollably, "He's dying because of me, Lele" she croaked out, "It's not your fault, he'll be okay" he replied still crying. "It is! We'll both die because I wasn't careful enough, i should be the one there, not him" she she spat angry at herself.

"Calm down, Chae-" Yuta began but was cut off by her "How can i fucking calm down when he told me to unbond us and and freaking move on!! Tell me?" She said huffing out angry breaths of air. Then again she started coughing up blood, this time it was alot.

          Park Jisung was dying

A nurse came running outside "we need his soulmate, quick we're losing him" he shouted at which Chaeyoung stood up and ran inside with the remaining strength in her weak body.

There she saw him, endless tubes attached to him, looking lifeless and his lips were purple as his skin looked pale. She hated herself, she wanted to die but she has to save him.

They layed her beside him, interlocked their hands and waited for the golden light to fill up the room but no avail, she was panicking , afraid that she'd lose him.

The docter came outside, and began "I'm sorr-" he couldn't continue as the golden light illuminated the room, the light was too strong that it was even coming outside which seem to shock the docter. "It's a miracle he lived" he said hurriedly, then walked back in.

Chaeyoung had focused hard in her mind, she was determined to save him, she used all her energy, her everything and soon golden rays illuminated the room and then she passed out from too much use of the soulmate healing powers but atleast she saved him.

The members outside were left in utter shock, the light was blinding at this point but atleast they're safe. There was nothing they could ask for more than their members safety.

Taeyong stood up, and then left the hospital after that without even a single word, he was happy they're fine but he couldn't really stop the tears from falling, he's a human after all.

Thus the two soulmates lived, they were fated together afterall, and you never know what games fate could play.

A/N: okay so he lived, goshhh she's blaming herself ahh anyway wait for more it ain't the end yet.

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