Chapter 22

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-Minji launged at her but the girl skilfully dodged it, well guess it was her time to shine. She twisted her arm and kicked the knife out of her hands and catched it halfway in the air while the crowd bursted into cheers and shouted "fight,fight,fight".

Minji was squirming trying to get out of her grip but hell no Chaeyoung won't let her go like that so she twisted her arm a little more and she hissed at the pain "Well well so whose beating up who right now bitch? I'm warning you don't test me again you bitch" Chaeyoung said placing the knife at her throat.

Chaeyoung finally let go of her and pushed her slightly so now she was hugging the floor while Chaeyoung smirked as she threw her knife at the floor and turned to go back.

But Minji the whore she was couldn't keep her mouth shut shouted "I bet your mother was also a slut like you" it was enough reason for Chaeyoung the living hell out of her so she turned back and looked at her with blood shot eyes, piercing daggers into her, wanting to bury her alive.

"Say that again you piece of shit" Chaeyoung spat..finger itching to beat her up. "You're mother was also a slut" she said again..that's It before she could bitch again a fist came in contact with her face, following the sound of a painful scrunch, thrashing her face to the side. Well she didn't stop as another fist came in contact with her face thrashing face to the other side.

Chaeyoung had a murderous look on her face and Jisung knew this won't end up good as he could literally feel her emotions and hard she was trying to stop herself from hitting, she could even kill her she won't stop. Minji was cupping her face, tears streaming down her face as now two bruises decorated her face.

Before Chaeyoung harm the girl anymore as she was walking towards her ready to kick her ass two arms pulled her into back hug, holding her firmly indicating her to stop. She stopped...she was in her own mind as it all kicked in, what was she about to do..She could even kill her. But she knew Jisung was with her making her feel safe and comforted at the same time.

Jisung pulled her out of the crowd as he walked outside the cafeteria the girl still close to her. He sat her on the bench and sat beside her but she was too guilty to even look at him so he just moved her chin up with his free hand , but he didn't expected to see the tears rolling down her cheeks. She was trying to hold it in but mentally couldn't so he just pulled her into a warm hug and moved closer...closing the distance between them and caressed her hair in an attempt to calm her down.

"I'm sorry Jisung..I i don't know I just couldn't-" she spoke but he cutted her off by saying "shh it's okay, I know you didn't mean to and how hard you were trying, it's not your fault, There's a reason we're fated together Love..I can feel your emotions I understand..I've been through this just don't blame yourself okay and plz smile for me" he's soft voice making her cling onto him tighter as a smile creeped up her face and she said "Thanks Jisungie it hepls alot..I-I just...I love you" Jisung rested his head on top of hers still caressing her hair and replied "I love you too..Love".

A/N:  Gosh guess what?? that bitch Minji deserved it..let me just clear it for you..She's a bitchy girl who bullys weak girls and boys knowing they can't fight back..and she had a crush on Jisung..Oh my two girls fighting over him...Anyway so Chaeyoung just idk blessed her face with those beautiful bruises she deserved. Hope you enjoyed the fight and the bonding of the pair..they're so cuteeeeee♡♡♡♡♡

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