Chapter 41

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The sound of a gunshot rang through the air just as they dropped off at the busan station, Jisung protectively pulling her into him as he hid them both beside the nearest pillar, eyes scanning his surroundings for the culprit but there was no one in sight aside from the people screaming and running into different directions, the emergency sirens going off as the police rounded the area trying to safely get the people out while some looked out for any suspicious looking man, which made him scoff as he clearly knew it was the work of a skilled sniper.

Which only meant one thing that whoever it was, they were definately here for the both of them.

"Its an ambush, we need to get out Ji" she whispered looking up at him as worry swarmed her eyes at the fact that they were in danger, him equally looking down at her, concerned for her safety. "I'll get us out of here don't worry" he answered as he tightened his grip around her with her body pressed against the wall as his shielded her from any unpredicted attack.

He had figured out by now that the attack was meant as a warning but the possibility of another one still lingered. Chaeyoung had already briefed the headquarters about the situation and Dream was already on their way to get them. The absence of Taeyong however was very noticable as the members hesitated as for who to suspect and who to trust.

Both of them were inside the staff only area, Jisung paced around the room currently on a call with Mark whilst Chaeyoung looked through the cctv footage, her eyes scanning  the screen eagerly to atleast find something useful but no avail, the recordings of the last 60 mins had been deleted and it was no doubt the work of a cyber expert. Huffing out she leaned back on the seat and her eyes flickered over to Jisung who at the same time finished the call and made his way towards her.

"Bts will be here shortly to get us and the guys will be here in half an hour, we need to look out for them through the cameras" he explained as he softly ran his hand in her hair, calming her effortlessly, she straightened up and moved her eyes back to the computer infront of her, she was already shaken up about coming to busan and the attack just added up to her stress as the only thing she was worried about was his safety, even the thought of seeing him step in to take the bullet for her made her heart clench, she didn't wanted to relive the memories of the last time when he almost died so she just shrugged the feeling off and focused on the task ahead.

He could sense it, the way she tried to remain calm and avoided eye contact so not to worry him but he wasn't dumb either to know that all she needed at the moment was his support and assurance, that he will be safe but who knows about the future to have an idea about such things, surely not humans.

Wordlessly he moved closer to her and her eyes momntarily fell over to him but then turned back towards the screen, he then sat down at her feet and placed his hands on her knees after making her face him, his gaze locked with her as she looked down at him in slight surprise "Are you okay?" He questioned softly trying his best to make her feel better, "me? Yeah im okay" she muttered confused at which he raised a brow and instead of replying right away he just hummed as he took her hands in his, his thumb gently rubbing over her knuckles. "I need to take a round outside to make sure there's no one outside to ensure their safety, they'll be here any minute now" he stated already anticipating her reply, "I'll come with you" she stated bluntly though she knew he wouldn't allow it but she could atleast try and change his mind. "No, you'll stay and keep me updated with the situation through the cameras" he replied rather sternly at which she knew he would never, you see never change his mind so she just held his hands tighter as she mumbled "fine but please be safe Ji" making his eyes crinkle as he smiled up at her, his gummy smile at display making her heart melt, he nodded and he stood back up his hands still held hers as he squezeed her hands only last time as he placed a delicate kiss on her cheek before whispering a 'see you later' as he winked at her playfully and disappeared out of the door making her roll her eyes at his will to flirt at the given situation.

Shorty afterwards she heard a chorus of "BTS is here!" before she saw them through the screen along with Jisung as some of them went around the area while two of them accompanied Jisung who looked calm despite the situation and made strategies with them about what move to make next. Him being the youngest of the team, it was rare to see him take the lead yet here he was standing tall, movements sharp and his words precise, confidence oozing off of him as he professionally handled all the obstacles that came their way.

The boy was currently on a round of the area with Suga as they discussed whether it was safe for them to stay here or if they should leave right away with the Dream members whilst they were immersed in this Chaeyoung was busy with Jin who was hacking into the system and then there were J-hope and Jimin dealing with the police cops outside who stopped by to check at the station which left Jungkook and Taehyung to gaurd the building and make sure to not let anyone in and also to get the cars ready as well as the weapons incase something happens.

"We are leaving, pack up and let the police handle it from here" Suga declared, glare intense as he eyed the chief police officer infront of him and as he moved towards the entrance the others followed suit and one by one they left out of doors leaving only the cops behind; all intimidated and shocked by the whole ordeal.

A/N: here i am! And im so very sorry for not updating for a year at most but since im here i'll make sure to finish this and write many more also once again thankyou for all the support:)
Yours truly;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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