A New Chapter

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Aimie Atkinson's P.O.V

"We're SIX!"

The last note rang into the audience and as normal the crowd went wild. I could still hear the cheers as I climbed up the stairs to the dressing rooms.

"Great job everyone." Maiya exclaimed, "I think that was one of our best shows yet!"

"Hey is there something wrong?" Asked Natalie.

She must've seen my face of boredom and I sat down in my chair.

"Well, I guess I don't know what to do now."

"What do you mean?" Asked Natalie.

"I seem to have everything together. All the days seem to mush together. I have literally everything I could've wanted. I mean I have an amazing girlfriend, two amazing dogs, the job of my dreams, and the greatest friends I could've ever asked for. I just feel like something is missing."

"Do you think maybe you would want to be a mother?" Natalie asks.

"A mother?"

"Yeah, you seem to be ready for the next step in your life and well I think maybe a kid could be the best next step."

"With all the physical work it takes to be in SIX there is 'No Way' I'll be able to grow a tiny human in me."

"No, no, no hun. I mean what about adopting."

I think about it and realize that Natalie is right. I'm ready for the next step in my life. But adopting? I have no idea where I'd even start. Without saying a word I get up and leave my dressing room and call Genesis.

"Hey, Gen?"

"Yeah, what's up?" Gen asks.

"I want to talk to you tonight about the next step in our life."

"Umm... okay hun. When will you get home? I'm walking Wofie and Magic and I won't be back home for another thirty minutes."

"I'll be home soon. I still got to pack up. See you soon."

I end the call. I'm nervous about what I'm going to tell Gen. We haven't had any discussions about kids and I don't know how she will take the news. I walk back into my dressing room as I see Natalie had already got her costume off and was packing up to go home.

"Tell me how it goes with Gen."

"Were you listening to our conversation?" I ask.

"Sorry, but I was scared. You just stormed out of the room without saying anything. I thought you might've been mad at what I said. Sorry if I brought the convo up too soon. I shouldn't get involved in your private life." She explains

"It's fine. I'm sorry I shouldn't have walked out on you. I just have a lot to think about. Your right though I think Gen and I are ready for a new chapter in our life. I just hope she feels the same way."

I take off my costume as Natalie leaves. It normally takes me the longest to get my stuff together. I just hope the fans don't get too mad. I know the queendom will understand. I have a lot to think about and I really don't feel at my best to talk to others. I sit in my chair and I do something I never thought I'd do. I started crying. I was glad I was the only one left because I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

"Hun are you okay?"

I hear a voice and jumped at the sound. I look up and standing in front of me is a worried looking Grace. I quickly wipe my tears away and stand up.

"Oh, hey Grace I didn't think anyone was here."

"I always stay a little late. What's the matter?" Grace asks and she goes in to hug me.

I hug her back and start to cry. I don't know why I'm so nervous, to go home.

"I'm just dreading a conversation I'm going to have later with Gen." I say, "I'll be fine. It's just I'm nervous at what her response is going to be."

"Aimie, babe. Gen loves you and I'm sure that she won't get angry no matter what you tell her."

I feel Grace running her fingers through my hair and I let go of the hug.

"Sorry but I have to get home to Gen."

"Yeah, no problem. If you need anything I'm just one text away."

I grab my stuff and leave the dressing room. As I'm driving home I think about the Gen might say when I bring the topic up. When I get home Gen and the dogs are already sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"There you are. I was starting to think you weren't going to come home. Now what is it you want to talk about?"

I sit down on the couch as Wolfie and Magic fight for a spot on my lap.

"Well... I was thinking that we should start a new chapter in our life."

"What do you mean?" Gen looks at me confused.

"Gen I want to adopt a kid."

I wait expecting some big reaction but nothing comes. I wait a bit more hoping for her to say something. Finally she breaks the silence and looks at me.

"Aimie, babe. I love you but don't you think that two dogs are enough?"

My heart drops. I was hoping she would be excited but instead she is hesitant.

"I was just thinking..."

"Aimie, just think about it. A kid needs a lot of attention and I don't know if we can give it the attention it'll need. I'm not saying no, I'm just saying we really need to think about this. This isn't something that we can just decide tonight."

"Yeah, I understand." I tell her as tears start forming in my eyes.

"How about we make a compromise. What if we look about fostering?"

"Fostering?" I think about it and it might be just the thing we need. Not as much commitment as having a kid for life but still gives us the experience of how hard it'll be to have a kid.

"Well... what do you think? Ready to start a new chapter?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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