A New Addition

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Emmie's P.O.V

I wake up from a little nap and see a bunch of people crowding my room. I see police officers, doctors, and other people with clipboards. As soon as I'm about to go back to sleep I see the door open and two young women walk in. One of the girls had brown hair with bright pink ends. She has a bunch of sparkles all over her eyelids and she is holding hands with the other girl. The other woman was an African American girl with short hair. I want to scream. There were too many people in one area. I was scared at what was happening.

Aimie's P.O.V

I walk into the room to see a small girl with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She had a black eye that was turning purple. It broke my heart to see such a small girl in so much pain. A social worker came up to me and introduced herself as Olivia.

"Okay we don't know much about her but we know that she's around 9-10 years old and from what we are gathering we believe she may have been in an abusive household. We are trying to track down any family members but it doesn't help that she refuses to talk." Explained Olivia

"Can we go meet her?" I ask.

"Yes of course." Olivia exclaims

I approach the small girl and when I start crouching down to her level she winces back as if she is scared of me.

"I promise I won't hurt you." I tell her.

She doesn't seem to believe me though as she tries with all her might to stay as far away from me as possible. I just wish there was a way I could get to her. I didn't want to overwhelm her but I wanted to make a connection with her. I turn around to talk with the social workers.

"So when can we take her home?" Asks Genesis.

"Very soon. We are just finishing up with some paperwork. Some things you are going to have to understand is that she will need regular doctor check ups and police may come by your house to try to question her."

"Yes, we understand." I reply

"I would say that you can try to introduce her to other people but I would be very careful. No more than one person at a time until she gets settled in. If we find her family we will contact you and set up a time and place to meet." Olivia says as she goes through the procedures

The Doc walks over to us and tells us that the little girl is ready to leave but as her tries to help her into her new wheelchair she screams. I look at her and she looks at me as if she is going to die.

Emmie's P.O.V

As the doctor tries to touch me I have flashbacks


"Come here... there's nothing to be afraid of." The mans voice echos in my head,

As soon as the door shut he brought out the paddle. He hit me hard. It stung and I winced in pain. My siblings watched as I was being beaten down by my own father. He struck me with the paddle 25 times.


The way the doctor looked reminded me of Him. I was terrified so I screamed. The lady with pink hair looked at me as if she felt sorry for me. I know better. No one cares about me whether I'm dead or alive I'm just a part of their games.

Aimie's P.O.V

"Please stop!" I yelled at the doctor struggling to pick her up, "can't you see she is scared!"

I look the young girl in the eye. I gently uncovered her from all the blankets she was tangled in. I put my hand on top of hers trying to show her I wouldn't hurt her. After about twenty minutes of trying to interact with her she finally let me pick her up. I softly placed her in the wheelchair and signed some papers allowing her to be released from the hospital. I looked at her and she looked at me and for almost a second I swear I hear her whisper a small "thank you". I brought her to the car and sat in the backseat with her while Genesis drove us home. I was excited for a new adventure with this little one. I'm determined to help her and I can't think of a better addition we could've had made to our family.

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