Dead, Dead, And Dead

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Emmie's P.O.V

It was the next day and I was excited for this morning because me, Grace, Courtney, and Vicki were all going to finish our Monopoly game we couldn't finish the night before. When we arrive to the theatre though I'm disappointed to figure out that since Millie took the day off Vicki would be going on for Boleyn. This meant that we couldn't continue the game.

"It's okay we can finish it another time." Grace said.

"Yeah, I guess." I say disappointed.

"Hey! We can play Uno instead. You know I am the master Uno player." Courtney jokes.

"Yeah, you lost to Natalie like five hundred times the last time we played." Grace snapped back.

"Yeah but I still beat you." Courtney jokes back

"Well what do you say Emmie. You think we should shut this 'Uno Master' up?" Asks Grace

"You know I'm a bit tired. I think I'm going to take a nap." I say getting situated in Aimie's chair.

"Okay hun. I guess I'll have to take on the Uno Master by myself." Grace laughs.

I can feel Courtney put a blanket on top of me and I doze off to sleep.


"Come here Emmie..." my father chases after me and I'm running away from him.

"Leave me alone!" I scream back at him

"Emmie go I'll hold him off!" My older brother Shadow pushed me forward as he stood back ready to fight the monster that we called father.

"Shadow come back." I yell but it's too late I watch as my brother wrestles my dad to the ground. I ran faster hoping I could find someone to help me. I could hear footsteps starting up again. I knew I didn't have much time before he came for me. He was ready to kill.


I wake up to find that Courtney had shaken me awake. I really hate this reoccurring dream since it seems so real.

"I'm sorry." I tell her, "I didn't mean to scare you."

Courtney continues to give me a weird look.

"You were saying something about how 'Shadow don't leave me.'" Courtney tells me. "Is there something that is bothering you?"

Grace comes over at sits by me trying to comfort me. I was still shaking from the dream and the memory of what happen continues to haunt me.

"It's nothing, really." I tell her.

"Babe. You are literally shaking." Courtney says unconvinced, "You know you can tell me anything right?"

I think about it. It would be nice to get it off of my chest but I don't want to worry her.

"Please come on babe." Courtney pleads, "What did you dream about?"

"I don't really want to talk about it." I say.

"You know if you don't tell someone the dream will continue to haunt you." Courtney exclaims

"Fine if you have to know I dreamed about the time when my brother died."

I'm sorta angry at how Courtney badgered me to tell her about my dream. I feel Courtney come up and hug me. I start crying thinking about how my monster of a father killed him.

"If I can ask how did he die?" Asks Grace.

"My dad murdered him." I tell her truthfully.

"Your dad did what?!" Asked Grace, "You have to the police. He has to be locked up."

"But the worst part is he did it to save me. He stayed back to fight my father to give me time to run away and find safety. I'm still astounded that it happened. I don't quite believe it. I miss him so much and he constantly is in my mind as if I'd done something to help him. Maybe he'd still be alive today."

"Hun, there is no need to think like that." Courtney tells me, "Yes, your brother may be gone but your memories of him are forever. He obviously cares about you. Don't think about what might of happened if you had done this or that. You just gotta be happy of what you had together."

"I still need to tell the police." Grace restates.

"It's hard to not think about what I could've done." I tell Courtney.

"Hello the police?" Grace says questioning if we are listening to her.

"Yeah, I know hun but it already happened, so there is no need to think about what could've happened. Plus you have your memories of him that will live with you forever."


"We get it Grace." Me and Courtney both
say at the same time.

I agreed after the show that I'd go straight to the police. After I went in they questioned me for what seemed like forever. They had so many questions like what I was doing and wearing. I was getting tired of answering questions but they finally let me go. I was told that they had a warrant out for my father's arrest and that I might have to testify in court if they could prove my father's murdered him.

Aimie's P.O.V

I feel my pocket buzz as I'm waiting for Emmie to get done. Everything happened so quick. Luckily my job is very understanding and Grace was able to cover for me tonight, but I'm still trying to comprehend that I almost allowed Emmie to go home with a murderer. If she hadn't of said anything I don't think she'd be alive right now. I look at my phone and it's a call from Genesis.

"Gen! I've been so worried. Where are you?"

"Aimie I just arrived home. I have some bad news." I can hear her at the other end crying quietly.

"What? Gen are you okay?" Asked Aimie.

"My father and mother died."

I can hear her nose getting stuffed up. She starts sniffing and I can tell she has been crying a lot the past weeks.

"What? Both of them? I thought it was just your dad that was having problems."

"Yeah I arrived there and found out my dad had died of a heart attack and my mother and died from the grief of not having father. I'm sorry I was gone so long, but I have to head back out to my parents place. I have to help sell the house and plan a funeral. I'll be back in another couple of weeks. How are you and Emmie doing." Gen asks trying to lighten the mood.

She tried her best to sound like everything was under control but really I could tell it was all spiraling out of control.

"Haha, long story short we are currently talking to the police about Emmie's father murdering her brother. I'm so sorry about you're parents."

"Ummm... I don't think I want to know. Do you need me to come over?" Gen asks me.

"No I think we'll be fine. I know it's a lot to take in. I'm still processing everything that has been happening."

"Yeah, if you don't mind I'm gonna start packing my stuff since I'll be away for awhile. I'll give you updates as much as possible though. If there are any emergencies call me."

"Okay love you."

I end the call. I can't believe it. When I said I wanted to start a new chapter in my life I didn't have any idea how crazy it would be.

"This is only the beginning." I tell myself

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