Zooming With The Queens

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Weeks later Aimie and Emmie's relationship had continued to grow. Aimie thought she was finally ready to meet some of the Queens.

Emmie's P.O.V

Aimie asks me if I would like to Zoom her friends. I didn't know what Zoom was but she told me that we could leave if I ever felt uncomfortable. Something about Aimie makes me feel safe. The day that I saw her, her personality seemed to be different from everyone else I met. She was determined to help me even when I tried my best not to let her help.

"Okay, how many will there be?" I ask her.

"Well I have a lot of friends. How many do you feel comfortable meeting for now."

"I was thinking five at max." I told her

"Okay I'll set everything up."

Aimie's P.O.V

Queens Group Chat

Aimie: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been keeping up to date with you. It's just been a busy couple of weeks. I'm nearly dying to get back to the theatre.

Grace: How is Emmie doing?

Aimie: she doing better then expected. Actually that's what I wanted to pop on here and tell you. She's willing to Zoom with you guys

Millie: OMG I cant wait. I've been dying to see her. Does she like hugs and kisses because she is going to get plenty when she sees me. Well obviously they will be virtual but I'm just so excited.

Grace: Millie hold up we don't want to scare her.

Courtney: yeah I agree with Grace, but I can't wait to meet her. I'm sure I'll be her favorite aunt.

Vicki: haha no way I'm going to be the favorite.

Lexi: I think you are all forgetting that I'm the Queen of the Castle

Maiya: of Lexi shut up with your SIX references especially around Emmie she'll probably be so confused

Lexi: says the queen of making jokes no one understands

Aimie: GIRLS!

Lexi: Oops... I think I said too much..... again

Aimie: she says she is ready to meet five of you. Please don't fight over who I pick but I'm going to start with the other five main girls. I'm sorry to the alternates but I thought this is the best way to organize everyone. Maybe later today she will be up to meet the rest of you.

Vicki: aww man I was really looking forward to seeing her.

Courtney: yeah but I get it. We don't want to overwhelm her with too many people.

Aimie: maybe another time here I'll send you guys the zoom link in the other group chat.

Grace: wait you guys have another group chat without us alternates

Aimie: sorry girls, again, but we sometimes have conversations that wouldn't be relevant for everyone on this group chat to hear

Grace: it's fine the alternates have a separate group chat too....

Vicki: really since when?

Grace: shush Vicki, I'm making one right now

Aimie: haha you girls are so funny.

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