Do you trust me?

550 16 3

Aimie's P.O.V

I wake up to see that I'm still leaning against Emmie's wheelchair. I wonder if last night was a dream. I look over and see Emmie is still sleeping. When I check my phone I have a bunch of texts from Natalie.


Natalie: hey did you get her inside?

Natalie: do you need Vicki to cover for you again today?

Natalie: Aimie where are you? Sunday sessions with SIX is going to be live in thirty minutes.

Aimie: I'm sorry I guess I overslept. Yes, I'm going to take one more day off from work. I'm making some progress with Emmie and I think if I can get her to talk then I'll be much easier to bring her to work.

Natalie: Did she tell you her name?

Aimie: Yes! See I told you I was making progress.

Natalie: that's great! Hey maybe I could come over tomorrow if things are going to plan?

Aimie: maybe not that soon. I really want her to be comfortable around me before I introduce her to others. I don't want to frighten her.

Natalie: I totally understand. I'll tell Vic she's on again for Howard. Text me if you get more progress.

Aimie: of course XOXO

I look over to see Emmie was awake. I guess I'll try again to see if I can get her in the house.

"Can I take you in the house?" I ask her

She seems to think about it for a moment but they nods her head yes in agreement. I get out of the car and help get her wheelchair down from the car. I slowly roll her up to our steps where we put tiny little ramps before each step the make it easier to transport. She seemed to be okay with be touching her wheelchair and I think maybe I could get her to talk today.

"Just tell me if you want to stop okay? I'm not going to make you do anything that you don't want to do. Oh and I should warn you. We have dogs. They are very friendly but I just wanted to let you know."

"Dogs?" She asks. Her eyes seem to light up when I mention them.

"Yes, I have two one is named Wolfie and the other one Magic."

I see her smile when I mention there names. I slowly open the front door and help her into the house. Inside Gen is sitting on the couch with both dogs. Wolfie and Magic come up to greet us. Magic tried jumping on top of Emmie but Wolfie pushes her away from her. Wolfie then sits at the bottom of Emmie feet and wags her tail.

"Wow you two are up." Gen comes up to greet us both, "looks like Wolfie has found a new favorite person."

"Can I pet her?" Emmie looks up at me and first the first time I see the look of hope in her eyes.

"Oh course." I tell her.

I lift Wolfie up to her lap so she can pet her easier.

Emmie's P.O.V

I think I'm starting to trust the pink haired woman but why? Why would she be so willing to stay with me all night. She is being so nice to me and in return I've been cold-hearted. I've always had my way with dogs. They seem to understand me more then any other human could.

"Hey, hun would you like some breakfast?" The African American asked me.

I shake my head no. I'm not hungry, in fact I feel a bit sick.

The pink haired woman makes eye contact with the African American and then the African American when into a different room. I look at her confused. Was she going to do something to me? I should've known better then to trust someone. I shouldn't have said anything. I shouldn't have let her bring me into the this. Before I can think anymore she presents me with a question that I wasn't ever expecting.

Aimie's P.O.V

I make eye contact with Gen signaling her to go into a different room. I don't want to overwhelm Emmie and I think it's be better to get to know her one on one. Then I think about it. We've been going about this all wrong. In order to gain her trust I need to stop trying to figure out about her but instead she needs to figure out more about us. I know it's a long shot but I decide to ask the question anyway.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

I look at her puzzled face and can tell that is not what she was expecting me to ask her. She takes a moment to thing and comes up with a reply.

"What's your name?"

Oh my gosh! I'm so stupid I didn't even tell her my name.

"Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you my name. My name is Aimie Atkinson and the girl that went into the other room is my girlfriend Genesis."

"What is your favorite color?"

"Well if you can't tell it's pink! I promise I don't alway wear this much glitter on my eyelids. You see I'm an actress for SIX the musical and I play one of the six main roles."

"So your famous?"

"Well I wouldn't say famous. But I'm well-known." I laugh at her question.

Then she hit me with a question I wasn't prepared to answer.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

I pause for a moment to think about it. I want to make sure I phrase this just right.

"Well I know it's probably very scary to move to a strangers house and I want to make you feel as comfortable as I can. I promise you I want make you talk or do anything you don't want to do. I just want you to trust me. I know I'm trying not to ask you questions but I really want to know, do you trust me?"

Emmie's P.O.V

Her question rings in my head. Do you trust me. I'm hesitant to say 'yes' but I know I do and that's what I don't want to admit. I look at her and decide to tell her the truth.

"Yes, I trust you. Please don't make me regret saying what I said though."

Aimie's P.O.V

I'm finally ecstatic. I feel like I did it. I was able to get her to trust me. I know it will still be a long road ahead of us though. I can just hope she is prepared to take that road with me.

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