All I Need Is SIX

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Aimie's P.O.V

I think it's time for Emmie's first trip to see SIX. I'm very excited although unfortunately i won't be there to sit next to her. I already missed too much work getting Emmie settled in and now I don't have any vacation days left.

"Hey Gen are you free tonight?" I ask

"Sorry, I'm afraid not. My mom called last minute and said dad is in bad health. I have to go over to check up on them. Why?"

"I wanted someone to take Emmie on her first trip to see SIX. Speaking of Emmie, where is she."

"Oh, shoot I left her outside I came inside just to grab some shoes. I better to back out and check in her." Gen says as she runs back outside.

I think about who else could possibly take her to see the show.

Queen Group Chat

Aimie: Hey girls who on for tonight.

Millie: Everyone Except Vicki. Maiya is on holiday, so Courtney is covering for her and Jaye J just called in sick so Grace will be on for her.

Aimie: okay thanks so much!

I try calling Vicki but her phone must be on silent. As soon as I'm about to give up she calls me back.

"Hello? Aimie?"

"Yes, Vicki I have a favor to ask."

"Sure, what is it. I'm sorry but if your going to ask me to step in for you I'm going to have to politely decline. Toby told me you are out of vacation days..."

"No, no, no that's not what I was calling for. I actually think it's time to surprise Emmie and take her to her first SIX show, but obviously I'm on for tonight and I need someone to supervise her, so I was wondering if you could sit by her. It'd be front row so she won't freak out. She seems to have separation anxiety."

"Oh my goodness, yes! I really want to meet her!" Vicki shrilled with excitement.

"Okay meet me in my at the front of the Arts Theatre before warm ups."

I end the call and head outside to see Gen blowing bubbles at Emmie I sit down next to Emmie and start popping bubbles with her.

"Emmie you know how tomorrow you will get you cast off."

She nods still looking at the colorful bubbles. Magic thinking they were a treat tries to eat one.

"Well... I was thinking we went out tonight for a special occasion."

"I thought you were on for Howard tonight."

"Well... I have a surprise for you. Trust me it's a good one. I think you'll really like it."

Gen checks the time on her phone and gasps, "I have to go my mom says it's urgent."

"I think we should be heading out too."

——————-At the Arts Theatre———————-

Emmie's P.O.V

I'm very skeptical of what the surprise is seeing as surprises and I sorta have a live hate relationship. Aimie brings me over to a young girl with blond hair. She looks super friendly but I've never met her before. She crouches down to my level and tells he her name is Vicki. I'm still very confused as of what is going on.

"Emmie how would you like to see SIX tonight?" Asks Vicki.

My eyes widen. I always hear Aimie talk about SIX but now I get to actually watch the musical.

"Come on Emmie I'm going to bring you to our dressing room. Today is going to be your day!" Vicki exclaims.

As we get upstairs Aimie and I go different directions. Vicki leads me into a room consisting of a couple of the girls I met on the Zoom chat. I recognize Millie and Lexi. I'm get very antsy without being near Aimie, but I trust that her friends will be just as friendly as she is.

"Hello Emmie, do you remember me? I'm Aunty Millie!"

"Of course I remember you!" I tell her.

"See I knew I was her favorite!" Millie told Lexi

I laugh because she is just as energetic as she was through a screen.

"Emmie I'm going to do your makeup for tonight! I hope that's okay." Millie questions


My eyes go wide. I've never been able to put on makeup before.

"Yes, please!"

"Okay! What is your favorite color?" Millie asks me.

"I like pink!" I tell her

"Wow you are your mom are like identical twins."

She takes out the pink eyeshadow and glitter. She gently applies some makeup to my face and when I look in the mirror it reminds me of the first day I met Aimie.

"Thank you so much Aunty Millie!"

I wish I was able to jump on her but of course I'm restrained by the wheelchair.

"Now that that's out of the way I think it's time for the best part." Calls a familiar voice.

Vicki helps me turn around and I see Natalie. Vicki helps push me into the other dressing room where Aimie is. When Aimie looks at me she starts to tear up.

"I think it's time for Natalie's Salon. Unfortunately we won't be able to film it live since by fostering rules we can't post pictures of you in public, but I still think we can have fun. I hope you're ready for the K Howard look. I received special training in that department so I can tell you it will turn out perfect."

As Natalie starts doing pleats in my hair, Vicki takes out some nail polish and applied a thin coat of bright pink nail polish to my nails. I'm starting to like Aimie's friends. Once Natalie is done with my hair she gives me a mirror. When I look in I swear I look just like Aimie.

"You look beautiful!" Aimie exclaims already dressed in her costume, "Vicki I think it's almost time for you to get to your seats."

"Oh yes let's leave the rest of the girls to get ready." Vicki pushes my wheelchair out of the room and starts helping me go downstairs.

The show was AMAZING. The energy I felt was unlike anything else. Plus Aimie and Millie where hilarious together. Vicki pulls me in for a hug and even though I just met her I get the same feeling I got when I met Aimie and I felt it again when I met Millie, Natalie, and Lexi. It's this overwhelming sense of passion that makes me feel cared for; LOVE. I haven't felt love for a long time. I just let Vicki hug me and while she is holding me I start to cry.

"You okay darling?" Vicki asks as she wipes away my tears.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"I think we should go meet up with Aimie and the rest of the girls."

She helps me get upstairs where the girls are partying. I see Millie trying to shake off all the confetti that got in her hair.

"Emmie! Did you like the show?" Millie asks still shaking out the confetti.

"Yes! It was amazing."

"I'm glad you liked it." Aimie exclaimed.

"Come on girls pull it in!" Millie shouts as she pulls everyone in for a group hug.

I feeling my checks start to get wet again. My heart pounds hard and I feel my whole body get hot. The only word that could sum up this night is 'love'. I'm overwhelmed by all the love these girls are giving me and I finally feel like I belong.

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