Terrors and Trust

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Emmie's P.O.V (Dream)

"Come here Emmie..." my father chases after me and I'm running away from him.

"Leave me alone!" I scream back at him

"Emmie go I'll hold him off!" My older brother Shadow pushed me forward as he stood back ready to fight the monster that we called father.

"Shadow come back." I yell but it's too late I watch as my brother wrestles my dad to the ground. I ran faster hoping I could find someone to help me. I could hear footsteps starting up again. I knew I didn't have much time before he came for me. He was ready to kill.


"NO!" I scream

Before I realize that I shouted in real life the pink haired lady looks at me with concern in her eyes

Aimie's P.O.V

I wake up of the young girl screaming No. Without thinking I try as hard as I can to hug her while she is in a wheelchair. I was expecting her to scream at the top of her lungs but instead she started crying.

"It's going to be okay. It was just a dream." I tell her."

I try running my fingers through her hair but she yanks her head away from me. For the first time I actually hear her say something.

"I'm sorry." She cries out.

Still allowing me to hug her I ask why she is sorry.

"I didn't mean to wake you up. Please don't hurt me."

I look at her the stars illuminating her face. I see the tears running down her checks. I see the pain she has endure her dark brown eyes staring into my soul. She looks at me as if I'm going to strike her.

"I would never hurt you." I tell her

I pull her into an even bigger hug. She stayed there for a while and I listened to her cry softly.  I wondered if it was too early to ask her question but I though if I didn't ask now I may never get her to talk again.

"Sweetie? What's your name?"

Emmie's P.O.V

"Sweetie? What's your name?"

I pause thinking if I should tell her. Surely if she wanted to hurt me she would've already done so, but what if she does hurt me. Will I regret opening up to her. I think about it and come to the conclusion that it's safe to tell her my name.

"My name is Emmie."

She looked shocked when I spoke. As if she had seen an aliens or something. Then she did something I didn't except her to do she also started crying.

Aimie's P.O.V

I start crying.

"Thank you for telling me your name. You've been pretty hard on me but I want to thank you for telling me your name. You might think that I might hurt you but I promise you I won't."

I know it sounds silly to start crying but I didn't know if what I was doing was enough. This was the closure I needed. Now I know I'm making progress.

(Hey guys this is my first FanFic and IDK really what I'm doing. I know this is starting out a little slow but I promise you that the other Queens will be in more chapters. I just don't want to rush the story and I feel that I want this to be as realistic as I can. Thank you for reading Speechless and I hope you guys enjoy my future content.)

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