Uno Masters and Movies

439 13 15

Aimie's P.O.V

Genesis was able to sell her parents house and has come home early for the holidays. All the girls from SIX are coming to Emmie's first Christmas as part of the family. Today is the day I'm going to ask Emmie if I could adopt her.

"Gen did you put the gingerbread in the oven?"

"Yes, Babe."

"Thank you! I want everything to be perfect!"

I go grab Magic and Moflie and dress Wolfie up as Santa and Magic up as an elf. Although I spend hours getting her ready Wolfie doesn't like the costume and tries to get it off.

"No Wolfie you have to keep it one at least until the end of the night!" I tell her as I wrestle to put her Santa hat back on.

Emmie comes out of her room and starts laughing at me.

"What's so funny?" I ask her

"It's not everyday that you see someone wrestle a dog to put a hat on top of its head."

I look at her as she is still in her pajamas. Then I remembered I got something special for her.

"Oh I have a present for you!" I exclaim.

"Already? It's only Christmas Eve." She protests.

"Well if you don't want it then I guess we could wait for tomorrow..."

"No I definitely want to open it now." She squeals.

I had her the red and green box and watch as she opens it up. Inside neatly folded was a red dress with white dots that made it look like there was snow on the skirt that Natalie's mum had made for Emmie.

(This is what the dress looks like)

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(This is what the dress looks like)

Her eyes light up with happiness as she sees the dress.

"You even got me heels!" She screams.

"Yes, but you are to only wear them on special occasion."

She comes around and hugs me tight.

"Thank you so much." She tells me.

"It's not me you should be thanking. Natalie's mum made it for you. When Natalie comes over I want you to give her a big hug."

The oven dinged signaling its time to take the cookies out of the oven. I run over to go check on them as Emmie goes into the bathroom to put her new dress on. The cookies turned out perfect. Each one was a golden brown and the room smelled of ginerbread.

Ding Dong

The door rang and Aimie went to go open it up. Standing there was Vicki, Grace, and Courtney.

"Welcome, girls! Come on in. We are still preparing a couple of things but you girls can sit down and chat while I finish up preparing."

Grace and Courtney head straight to the living to settle the debate of who was the Uno Master while Vicki stuck around in the kitchen making sure "none of the food was poisonous" as she stated. Emmie came out of the bathroom with her new dress on.

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