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Emmie's P.O.V

It had been a couple of weeks since the hospital incident. There had been investigations over my claim, but so far nothing. I'd been practicing learning how to walk and I could make it short distances but nothing further then a couple meters. Maiya had returned from her holiday and Jaye J had finally gotten better after a week long battle with the flu. I was in Aimie's dressing room while the show was going on. Vicki, Grace, and Courtney were all playing Monopoly with me.

"Haha, that five hundred and fifty dollars!" Courtney exclaimed, "Pay up."

"Shoot... I don't know if I have that much left." Grace says, "Five hundred and fifty is almost all my money."

Grace hands over her stack of money to Courtney as Courtney start counting it.

"Okay my turn again since I got doubles." Grace says as she grabs the dice, "Four! One, two, three... ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I WAS JUST IN JAIL LIKE A COUPLE TURNS AGO!"

I laugh as Grace's frustration.

"My turn!" I exclaim

I roll a two and land on free parking. I grab all the money that was in the middle which added up to be three hundred dollars.

"How have you been with the whole hospital thing?" Courtney asks me as Vicki grabs the dice.

"I mean I'm a little worried."

"Why?" Asks Vicki as she rolls a seven.

"I'm know he return for me." I tell her

"It's going to be okay sweetheart we are here for you." Vicki exclaims as she lands on go.

I hand her two hundred dollars and pass the dice to Courtney who takes them. Courtney rolls a five landing on one of her own properties.

"Yeah I agree with Vic. Plus all you gotta do is have hope." Grace says as she doesn't roll doubles.

She passes the dice to me and I roll a twelve. I land on Courtney's property and hand over the money.

"What?" I ask Grace, "Hope for what?"

"You have to hope that he won't return." Grace says as Vicki rolls.

"I don't think I'm following ya."

"Think about it Em. The only thing stronger then fear is hope. You have to just believe that he won't return. As long as you have hope the fear of him returning will go away." Grace tells me.

"Huh, I never thought about it like that."

After the show I leave to go home with Aimie. She had gotten tons of gifts from fans and I always loved eating any of the food she'd got when we got in the car. Genesis was still not home and we were getting worried about her. I knew her parents lived in the country where they wasn't good connection but we thought she'd be home by now. I try to fall asleep thinking about what Grace said. 'The only thing stronger than fear is hope.'

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