Legends Never Die

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Aimie's P.O.V

I open up the envelope and read aloud to my friends what it contained.

"Dear Aimie and Gen,

I want to thank you for your hospitality. You and your friends have all taught me so much, but there is one thing I've kept from you. I can't stay forever. I came to you to show you what it takes to be a mother and I gave you my hardest challenges. You and your friends have overcame every single challenge I threw at you. I really wish I could stay, but I really can't. I want to tell you that your friends are some of the wisest people you will ever have. Please take these life lessons they've taught me and keep them with you forever,

1. Jaye J taught me everything happens for a reason; when my father died she comforted me by telling me that everything happens for a reason
2. Millie taught me to never apologize for being myself; when I sung the MegaSix I was ashamed of who I was but she taught me to never apologize for being yourself
3. Natalie taught me to never give up even when the odds are against me; she taught me this when she didn't give up on me when I couldn't walk
4. Lexi taught me that it is okay to speak up; when she told me that if I didn't speak up about my abuse then I would have to leave my one true family
5. Maiya taught me to not live in the past; she taught me this when she insisted I forget about my past rules and play the keyboard
6. Grace taught me that hope is the only thing stronger than fear; when I was scared my father would return she reassured me that all I needed was the hope that he didn't return
7. Courtney taught me there are things death can not touch; when I opened up about my brother's death she taught me memories are forever
8. Vicki taught me how to love; when she showed me so much love when she brought me to see SIX

I want to leave you with one final lesson. I know you are going to be hurt that I have to leave but trust me I'm a legend that will alway be in your heart. This is my lesson from me to you, "legends never die."

I stop reading and we all start crying together. We sat there more what seemed like hours holding onto each other. I finally understood why Emmie took us to all those places. She was reminding us of what we taught her but more importantly giving us memories of us with her.

"Come on queens everyone put your hand in. We can't ever forget the valuable lessons Emmie taught us. She will live with us forever... because... let's say it on three..."

"One" counts Aimie
"Two" counts Gen
"Three" everyone says together


(Thank you so much for reading my story. I never thought anyone would care about my story. I'm strongly considering changing the title from Speechless to Legends Never Die. At first I was going to have Emmie not talk for the majority of the story, hence why I named it speechless, but then I realized how boring that would be. I will definitely be correcting grammar and spelling stuff in the next couple of weeks. I hope you enjoyed this story. If you have any questions about the story please comment them because I love getting feedback. Especially if there is anything in the story that doesn't make sense or I left a hole in the plot. Once again thank you for reading my book and have a great rest of your day!)

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