Everything Happens For A Reason

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Aimie's P.O.V

I had invited all the queens over to the return of Genesis. She was finally coming back home after being able to sell her parents house. I wanted it to be a surprise party.

"Come in everyone." I tell the queens, "Gen told me she will be here in an hour."

I allow all of our guests to come in and we started an Instagram Live to wait for Gen.

"Emmie I'm sorry sweetie but I need you to go play downstairs. By law I can't have you on lives."

"I never get to join the fun." Emmie pouts.

I turn on the live and instantly comments started flooding in.

"Hello guys. We are waiting for Genesis to come home. We are going to surprise her." I tell them, "We can answer some questions while we wait for her."

There were many question about why I wasn't doing as many shows as I normally do.

"Hey guys I just want to address this. I'm sorry I haven't been able to stage door and preform as much as I want to. Currently I'm going through many complicated problems and I want to thank you all for being so patient with me." I tell them.

"Oh, Courtney someone wants you to say Gay Rights." Jaye J tells her.

"Why does everyone want me to say Gay Rights. I'll say it once GAY RIGHTS. Well I guess I technically just said it twice." Courtney exclaims.

"Aimie someone wants to know how Magic and Wolfie are doing." Millie reads.

"Well Magic is currently downstairs with..."

I pause realizing I almost gave away that I'm fostering a kid. I start to panic because the comments start flooding with 'who?'

"She legally can't tell you, but when she is allowed to she will tell the queendom." Natalie covers for me.

The comments still flood with questions of who and guesses of who could be downstairs. I was starting to get uncomfortable and I think Maiya saw that.

"I'm so sorry guys. I think I hear Genesis. We have to leave. We love you so much and bye." Says Maiya

She turned off the live.

"Wow that was a close one." Vicki exclaims.

"Emmie you can come back up!" I yell at her.

I see Magic and Emmie slowly making their way upstairs. Then we hear a car for shut.

"Oh my goodness! I think she is home!" Exclaimed Grace.

"Everyone hide!" Shouts Lexi.

"Way to go she probably her you shouting." Argues Jaye J.

"It not helping that you two are talking!" Says Aimie sternly.

When Genesis walks in it is pitch black.

"SURPIRISE!" We all shout at her.

"Haha I though I heard some talking from outside." Gen laughs.

"Welcome home babe." Aimie says kissing her check.

"Thank you all for coming. I definitely was not excepting this." Gen says.

"Are you hungry? Would you like some cake?" I ask Gen.

"Oh, sure that sounds lovely." Gen says as she sets her backpack down on the floor.

My phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hello, this is Aimie Atkinson."

"Yes, hello. My name is Sam. I was Mr. Quinn's lawyer."

"Who? I think you have the wrong number I don't know any Mr. Quinn." I tell him.

"Emmie Quinn is his daughter. I was told you were costing her." Sam says.

"Oh, yes I guess I never knew her last name. So why did you call?" I ask him.

"I want to tell you have Mr. Quinn has committed suicide."

Emmie's P.O.V

I watch as Vicki is cutting the cake.

"I want the biggest one!" I tell her.

"Okay, okay!" She replies trying to concentrate on cutting the cake.

I go over to go see what Aimie is up to when I see her give me "that" face. I knew something was wrong.

"Hey Aimie, what that face your making for?" I ask her.

She just walks away from me as says a bunch of "uh huh" and "yeah". I get the message that she doesn't want to talk to me know so I move back into the dinning room and sit on Gensis' lap.

"Aimie come on your gonna miss the cake!" Lexi shouted.

After what seemed like forever Aimie came back.

"Emmie I'm so sorry." She gives me an empathetic look.

"Why?" I ask her.

"Your father committed suicide."

For some reason my heart breaks. I know he was mean and hurt me, but even after all that I forgive him. There is no way I'd ever want to live with him again but I still forgave him. I wanted to ask him why he did this to me, but now I can't. My eyes start filling up with tears as I start to cry.

"Honey it's okay." Aimie tries to comfort me, "He did so many terrible things to you. Why are you so upset?"

"Because believe it or not I still loved him. He may be cruel and mean but he is still my father and I wouldn't wish death on anyone." I cry out.

"Honey come here." Jay J opens her arms and hugs me.

He warm chest cradles my shivering body. She makes me look at her in the eye. I try to turn away but she won't let me.

"I truly believe everything happens for a reason and you might not understand it now but trust me you will later."

Jaye J continues to run her figures through my hair.

"Everything is going to be okay. There is always a reason for everything."

I continue to cry into her arms.

"Just think about it if everything didn't happen just the way it did you wouldn't be with us today."

I now she is right but I can't help but mourn the loss of my father. Now I truly didn't have any family left. My family is gone but now I feel that I am making a new family. I know my job is done and that makes me squeeze Jaye J even harder. Jaye J is right Everything happens for a reason and I think the queens are going to realize is why I am here very, very soon.

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