Step by Step

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Aimie P.O.V

As soon as we got home from Emmie's first Six show we both crashed on the couch. Gen hadn't come back yet, but I was too tired to call her. I let sleep engulf me and fell into a deep sleep. When I wake up I realize today is the day. Emmie is going to get all her casts off. I quickly wake her up and get us both ready.

————At the Doctor's Office—————

They help Emmie remove all of her casts. They do some final Xrays to see how things healed and we are told that we are all good.

"You are going to want to keep her in the wheelchair for a bit longer. It's going to take a while to get her back into walking. It'll be just like learning how to walk again." The doctor told us.

"Thank you so much!" I tell him

"I think we should reschedule for next month to make sure things are still going according to plan." says the doctor.

"Okay that sounds good!"

Emmie's P.O.V

"Hey, would you like to grab some ice cream?" Aimie asks me.

"Umm... no thanks I'm not that hungry." I tell her.

"Are you sure I think you'll like the ice cream if you give it a try."

"Nope, I'm good."

"Let's just drive by the shop. We don't actually have to buy anything I just want to take a look around."

We park into a park by Scoops Ice Cream Parlor and on the door of the shop has a big sign that says CONGRATS EMMIE. Next thing I see is the door open and Millie running towards our car. I roll the window down and am greeted by a big hug from Millie.

"How are you!" Millie asks still squeezing me.

"Mills be careful we don't want her to break anything else." Lexi says.

"Ope, Sorry. I'm just really excited."

I try getting out of the car before realizing I can't walk. I instantly fall down.

"Oh, honey let me help you." A girl with curly black hair offers to help me up, " I don't think we've met; I'm Courtney."

She tries to help me back up but I can't stand. I fall over again.

"Here you can hold onto me for support." Another girl adds, "I'm Grace!"

I hold onto Courtney and Grace but even with with holding onto both of them for support I fall over.

"Well I guess we're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way." Lexi says and she picks me up.

"Wait, wait, wait. I'm sure she can do it herself." Natalie exclaims, "Come on just one step at a time. Don't give up on yourself."

I try again, but again I fall over.

"Here let's try this." Natalie says as she takes one step away from me, "Just take one step. You can fall into my arms afterwards. I promise you, you can do it."

Courtney helps me back on my feet and I take one step towards Natalie before falling into her arms.

"There you go!" Natalie says, "Now let's try again."

She takes another step towards the door of the ice cream shop. I wobble as I now have nothing to hold on to.

"Here let me help you." Grace says reaching to help balance me.

"No! She can do it herself!" Natalie tells Grace.

Grace instantly pulls her hand back obeying what Natalie told her. I try to take another step but I can't balance myself. I fall over.

"I can't do it!" I tell Natalie.

"Yes, you can. You just got to keep trying."

Courtney and Grace once again help me to my feet. I take a step closer to Natalie and fall again into her arms. We do this over and over until I make it to the door. Grace opens the door so I can walk in. Natalie is convinced that I can walk myself to a chair.

"Come on Emmie! You're almost there!" She cheers me on.

I take two more wobbly steps towards Natalie and realize that I can make it. I concentrate on balancing on my feet by putting my arms out. I quickly take a couple steps to the chair are fall into the safety of one of the chairs. All the girls cheered.

"I knew you could do it!" Natalie says hugging me."

"Not gonna lie I was starting to think we were gonna be here all day." Aimie exclaimed

I picked out a blueberry smoothie To celebrate my victory of starting to walk again. Natalie gets herself a cone and comes over and sits next to me.

"How do you feel?" She asks me.

"I feel amazing. I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off." I tell her.

"Sometimes you just have to believe in yourself." Natalie says, "Never give up."

I'm very grateful Natalie was willing to help me. I know without her help I wouldn't have even taken a couple of steps. I slurp my smoothie and the rest of the girls come over to join us.

"Congrats on getting your casts off." Vicki tells me.

"Thank you." I reply.

"I'm sure she'll be walking around in no time." Natalie tell everyone.

"I think we better just stick to one step at a time." I tell her, "Baby steps."

Aimie's P.O.V

I watched the whole time thinking that Emmie wasn't going to be able to make it inside the shop but she proved me wrong. I'm so grateful for Natalie's patience. I would've given up if I was her. I watch as Emmie talks to the other queens. They all start chatting and I can't help but feel like everything is complete. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out expecting the call being from Genesis but instead it's an unknown number. I answer it anyways.


"Hello, is this Aimie Atkinson?" The man on the other line asks.

"Yes, this is. Who are you?"

"Ah I'm a social worker. I've been told that you are currently fostering one of our kids."

"That's right." I tell him.

"Well I have some good news! We found her father."

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