The Night Before Chirstmas

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Aimie's P.O.V

"Yeah, yeah presents let's start with Emmie. Emmie come on you up first." I say

I look at the queens and realize that Emmie isn't here.

"Has anyone seen Emmie?" I ask the queens.

Everyone shook their head. Emmie wasn't one to run off. She physically can't even run so I don't know where she could've gone. We check her bedroom and the whole house but she is no where to be seen.

"Millie wake up and help look for Emmie!" I shout at her, "Look for anything. Like clues or notes that could contain where she left.

"A note like that?" Asks Millie pointing to the table.

"Yes, Millie you're a genius. It's a letter from Emmie to Aimie and Friends." I say.

"Finally someone understands my intelligence!" Millie yells.

"Everyone I found a note from Emmie to us."

I open it up and read it aloud to everyone.

"I have a surprise for you yes indeed
You may not like it but it is what you need
Follow my clues and you will find in the cold
My gift from me to you worth more than gold
Check the place where I was found
I'm telling you it is close around"

"Oh, I know where she's talking about! I think it's time to pay a visit to Ms. William's house." Gen tells us.

That makes total sense it is where she was found and it's only a ten minute drive to get there. When we arrived to Ms. Williams house we saw nothing.

"Try the mailbox!" Lexi exclaimed.

"Yeah, lets just snoop into other people's mail" jokes Jaye J.

"Aha here it is!" Lexi says pulling out another letter, "It's address only to Aimie. The clue must be for you."

I take the envelope in my hand. I can see the glittery ink Emmie used to write the letters. The pen set I let her open a week ago. She begged and begged me to allow her to open one present. When I gave her the pen set her eyes lit up and she almost cried. She loved to write so I bought her the best glitter pens I could find. I carefully rip open the letter to reveal what was inside.

"Wow! You guys are smart!
You figured out the first part.
Go where we first met
That is the only clue you are going to get."

I think about where I first met Emmie then I remembered the day vividly. It was the day Natalie and I were going to do an Insta Live but then Gen called and I left straight away to go to the hospital...

"Come on girls! Let's go to the hospital!"

When we arrive at the hospital we didn't know where to start looking.

"You don't think she'd put the note in the actual room we met in do you?" Gen asks me.

"I guess there is only one way to find out."

The first time I touched the door handle I was so nervous. I was scared that Emmie wouldn't like me, and now I'm scared but for a whole different reason.

When we reach the room that we first met Emmie we find a note taped to the door. I tear the envelope open wanting to read the letter.

"Wow this is fun
Trust me your not close to being done
Go to the place where I told you my name
So you can continue the game."

The first night I brought Emmie home she screamed and screamed and screamed, but after the night terror she realized I wasn't going to hurt her. We slept in the car the whole night.

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