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Emmie wakes up in the hospital. She is hooked up to many different machines. Her vision is foggy, but she manage to see a figure staring at her.

"Hello, honey. What's your name?" Asks a woman with a police uniform on.

With a blank stare Emmie says nothing.

"My name is Lauren." Lauren explains hoping to get a word out of the young girl, "Do you know where you are?"

Emmie shakes her head.

"You're at St. James, hospital. We found you at Ms. William's house. What were you doing out that late at night?"

Emmie turns her head in a different direction looking out the window.

"Doc, I can't get anything out of her. I'm going to head back to the station to see if anyone has reported a missing child." Officer Lauren walks away shaking her head. She already knew today was going to be a long day.

Doctor Quinn walks up to Emmie's bed.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Adams. I've been in charge in making sure you are okay. It's seems that all arms and legs have either been badly sprained for broken. May I ask how you managed to break/sprain them?"

Emmie shakes her head no and the doctor leaves impatient with her. Another officer walks up to the young girl. He meets her at eye level and explains if they can't find her family they would have to place her in foster care. As the day went on all the police tried their best to find out where the young girl's family was but to no avail.

"We can't keep her in the hospital forever. There are a bunch more patients that will need to have her bed."

"Yes, I agree. I think we should place her in foster care until we find out more. Can someone go question Ms. Williams? She was the last person to see her before she passed out."

"Right on it."

"Until then please contact social services to find an open place where we can place her in the meantime."

Aimie P.O.V

I had just finished my matinee and as I was about to go on an Instagram Live with Natalie but my phone rang. It was from Genesis.

"Sorry Natalie, but I have to take this call. The Insta Live is going to have to wait." I tell Natalie, "Hey Gen! What's up?"

"Well I think we are going to be fostering sooner then we thought."

"Wait really?" I exclaimed, "What's their name? Is it a girl or boy? How long will they be staying?"

"Hang on, Aimie. Slow down babe. It's a girl who appeared at a woman's house last night. She apparently isn't speaking to anyone and she will be staying with us until they can find her family. Oh and there's something else that I should probably tell you..."

"What is it." I ask eagerly.

"Well she is broken."

"What do you mean by broken?"

"She's either broken or sprained both her legs and arms. The doctors say that her arms will heal in a couple of months, but they aren't sure if she will ever be able to walk again."

"Oh you say it likes it's a bad thing."

"Aimie, hun. I don't know if we are ready for someone who will have to be in a wheelchair. It's legit going to be like having a baby in the house. She won't be able to feed, clean, go to the bathroom by herself."

"I know, but this is going to be a challenge and I'm ready to take a step in a new direction. We'll help her as much as we can until they find her parents." I tell Gen.

"Okay, well could you get someone to cover Howard for the night? We are going to have to pick her up at St. James hospital."

"Umm... it's a bit last minute but I think I can get Vicki to cover for me."

I end the call and Natalie, Millie, and Maiya are all looking at me.

"I think we need to get everyone together for a group discussion." I tell them.

We gather the girls from the other dressing room and I have them sit down.

"Okay girls. I have very big news!" I exclaim

"Come on, tell us!" Says Lexi as she was nearly bouncing with excitement.

"Well... girls congratulations. You are all going to be temporary aunts!" I tell them.

"What?" Asked Courtney.

"I'm going to be fostering a little girl for a while!"

"No Way!" Exclaimed Jaye J.

"I'm so excited to meet her!" Screams Millie, "I hope she likes presents, cause I'm gonna spoil her with so many presents."

"Millie! I want to be the one to spoil her. Oh Aimie we can have her on Nats Six Salon!" Natalie says with excitement.

"I hope she likes movies cause Grace and I are going to watch tons of Disney movies with her!" Claims Vicki

"Hold on girls. I have to go pick her up right from the hospital right now and I know this is very short notice, but Vicki I'm going to need you to go on for Howard tonight."

"Wait... hospital?" Asked Courtney.

"Yes... I don't know all the details right now but as soon as I do you I'll text you girls. So Vicki? Could you cover for me tonight?" I asked her giving her my best puppy dog eyes that Magic taught me to do.

"Of course!" Vicki replies excited to be a new aunt.

"Sorry, I have to go right now but I'll text you guys later tonight."

I pick all my stuff and quickly head to my car. I'm so excited to meet her. I hope she likes dogs because Wolfie and Magic will be all over her!

Narrator P.O.V

What Aimie didn't know was this little girl was going to change her life forever.

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