Coming Home

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Emmie's P.O.V

There is something about this a pink haired girl. Why did I let her touch me? Why is she being so nice to be? Is she going to hurt me later? It better to not get too attached because I'm sure she will be just like the rest of them. They will use me then abuse me.

Aimie's P.O.V

The small girl in the back doesn't say anything on the way home. Thinking I'd already gained her trust I tried to help her out of the car. I tried pushing her wheelchair out of the car but she screamed. I knew it was to good to be true.

"Please let me help you."

I tried pleading with her but she wouldn't budge. I show her my hands hoping that she will see that I'm not a threat to hear but to no avail. Screamed every time I got closer then a foot away from her. I decided the best the to do was to wait her out. I tried every 10 minutes to see if she would let me help her get inside but she would scream at me for hours.

"Come on it's been almost three hours. Please come inside."

No matter what how long I tried to get her inside I couldn't. I knew if I tried forcing her inside she would instantly never trust me again so I had to okay careful. I was worn out from trying to get her to calm down. I felt like I was ready to give up. Gen had given up two hours ago and had gone in the house. It looked like I was going to spend the night in the car. I wasn't ready to give up on her yet because I had faith in her. I texted the girls informing them on what had happened so far.

Queen Group Chat

Aimie: hey guys how was the show?

Grace: it went fairly well except the you missed the best fail ever.

Aimie: what happened?

Maiya: the curtain fell down at the beginning of the show it was hilarious

Lexi: then I tripped during Get Down

Vicki: Haha that was an Absolute Classic moment

Millie: enough about us how are you?

Jaye J: yes how's my favorite niece doing?

Aimie: I can't seem to get her to trust me. I think she had an abusive past and she don't let me touch her or her wheelchair.

Vicki: awww.... poor girl. She had probably been through a lot

Grace: have you tried talking with her

Aimie: yes but that's the thing she doesn't speak

Millie: she doesn't speak? Well I don't think I could even go an hour without talking. U less of course I'm sleeping.

Natalie: don't worry hun she'll get around. I can't wait to meet her and I'm sure you are being a great mum.

Aimie: thanks Nat. I didn't think being a parent would be this hard.

Courtney: We believe in you Aimie. You can do it. Don't give up.

Millie: good luck babe.

Aimie: thanks have a good night everyone

Millie: 💚

Jaye J:💛

Maiya: 💙

I look over next to me and the little girl has passed out. I think about taking her inside but I'm afraid to lose her trust. If I'm going to do this I need her to allow me to do it. I grab a blanket from the trunk and put it over her. I then lay down on the other seat next to her and recline in as far back as it goes. It very uncomfortable but I'll make use. Gen comes out a little later to check on me and I tell her I'm going to sleep in the car tonight. I think about all the six girls and fall asleep to my own thoughts.

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