Living In The Past

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Aimie's P.O.V

It was Sunday Sessions with Six day and today I decided to bring Emmie down to watch us sing. She seemed very excited to watch us and she instantly got out of the car as soon as we parked.

"Wait hold your horses." I tell her, "You can't really go anywhere without me." I say

Emmie has been making good progress with walking. The doctors are astonished that she is learning how to walk again. She had gotten to the point where she can walk anywhere with the help of another person holding her hand. She can even make it from one room to another without any help.

"Come on Aimie! Let's go!"

"I'm coming give me a second." I tell her.

I hold her hand and we start walking into the theatre.

"Good morning Katy!" I tell the pianist.

"Good morning Aimie, Emmie."

When we get into the theatre Emmie gets really excited. All the other queens had arrived and Katy had already gotten the keyboard set up. I watch as Emmie stares at the keyboard.

"What is that?" She asks me.

"You've never seen a keyboard?" I ask her

"Well I saw it in Six but I didn't know what it did." She confesses to me.

"Oh well it is a musical instrument." I watch as she tightens up, "something wrong?"

"I'm not supposed to touch musical instruments." Emmie says

"Why not?" Asks Jaye J.

"I was told not to."

"By who?" Asks Natalie.

"My father." She tells them.

"Sweetie your father is in the past you don't need to worry about him." Maiya tell the young child.

"Do you want to try playing it?" Asks Katy.

"No thank you." Emmie tells her.

I can tell by the way she looks at the keyboard though that she wants to play it. Apparently all the other queens saw that too.

"Come here Emmie." Maiya tells her.

Emmie follows obeys Maiya and walks over to her.

Emmie's P.O.V

I walk over to Maiya and take her hand. She pulls me over to the keyboard and presses a key.

"Here you try." She tells me

"I can't play instruments." I repeat

"Why?" She asks

"I already told you my father..."

"That's it stop. Your talking about your father, but do you see your father around?"

I think about it and realize that she's right.

"No." I reply

"Tell me do you really want to try playing it?"
Maiya asks.

"I mean yeah... but my father..."

"Your father is a part of the past and now you are in the present. And from now on I decree whatever rules your father has given you are vanquished. Anyone else second that?" Maiya asks.

"I second" Jaye J says

"Oh, I third it!" Millie shouts

All the queens agree with Maiya.

"And remember we are queens so you have to listen to us." Natalie tells me.

"How about Katy shows you how it works!" Grace insists

Katy comes over to me and I try to relax. She shows me how to play twinkle twinkle little star. Then she tells me to give it a try. All the queens are watching me and I feel myself getting really nervous.

"It okay honey." Lexi tells me, "If you still don't feel comfortable try just placing your hands on the keyboard."

Katy helps me place my hands on the keyboard and I mimic what I have to do to play twinkle twinkle little star.

"Give it a go!" Natalie tells me.

I press on the first key on the song and hear a beautiful sound come from the keyboard.

"Good job! Keep going!" Maiya shouts.

I press on the next key and then my fingers take me through the whole song. The queen all start clapping and I forgot the happiness music brought me. It felt amazing to hear the familiar sound of music.

"You did it girl!" Maiya says as she gives me a high five.

"It sounded beautiful." Natalie tells me.

"Oh, my look at the time!" Katy exclaims, "If we don't hurry we'll be late for Sunday Sessions with Six. Everyone get your places."

I loved listening to the beautiful music coming from the keyboard and even though I loved my Aunts I couldn't help but tune them out and listen to the keyboard to whole time throughout Sunday Sessions with Six. I saw how Katy's figure just flew through the music and how happy she looked when she played it.

"Thank you for joining us at Sunday Sessions with Six!" Katy says as she ends the live, "Hey Emmie how would you feel if I gave you a couple of lesson on the piano?"

"We do have a piano at home." Aimie tells me.

"Yes, you sounded beautiful. I want to continue to listen to you play." Grace includes.

"Really?" I ask her.

"Of course. You seem really interested in the instrument and I love getting to teach music."

"I would love it!" I tell her.

Aimie's P.O.V

I watch as Katy continues to show her some things on the keyboard. I get a call from the police station.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello Ms. Atkinson. I'm sorry to inform you but we found Emmie's brother's body. If her father doesn't plead guilty I'm afraid Emmie is going to have to testify."

With the night terror Emmie already had of this man I couldn't believe she might have to see him in court.

"Thank you for informing me. Please notify me when me makes his plead."

"Who was that?" Asks Emmie looking at me.

"Umm... so the police did find your brother's body and they arrested your father, but there is a slight possibility that you will have to testify."

"What does that mean?" She asks me.

"It means you'll have to see him again in person and talk about the things he did to you in front of a court."

She looks at me and bravely says, "I'm ready"

That was not what I was excepting her to say. So I stare at her with shock so she felt the need to repeat herself.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be!"

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