Speak Up

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Aimie's P.O.V

"Hello? Ms. Atkinson." The social worker tries calling my name.

I'm so shocked. I didn't think Emmie would be leaving us so soon. I realized that we were just supposed to foster her, but she was just starting to feel like part of the family. She was fitting in with everyone, I finally got her to talk, and she was just learning how to walk.

"Ms. Atkinson? Are you okay?" The social worker asks again.

"Yeah... yeah..." I tell him.

"That's great can you bring her back to St. James hospital?"

"Now?" I ask him.

"Yes! Her father is really looking forward to reuniting with her and I'm sure she feels the same way."

"Uhh... yeah okay we'll be there soon."

I hang up on the social worker. I can't believe that I'm going to have to let Emmie go.

Emmie's P.O.V

I see Aimie talking on the phone with someone. I can't really make out the conversation but with the panicked look she has on her face I don't think it's good news.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Darling, they found your father." Aimie tells me.

I instantly start panicking. I try hard to not let myself slip into the past but it's hard. I don't even realized I had slipped into a panic attack. I feel some come around and hug me. I look up and see Vicki hugging me tight.

"It's going to be okay darling." She tells me, "Take a deep breath in, and then exhale out."

I try to do as she says and it helps a lot.

"I'm so sorry Emmie but I have to take you to see him." Aimie tells me, "The social worker had contacted me and is excepting us."

Lexi picks me up as I start crying onto her shoulder. She places me in the backseat of the car and everyone promises to meet me at the hospital. I see Aimie in the driver's seat trying to contact Genesis but with no use. We arrive at St. James hospital sooner then I anticipated and Aimie help carry me inside. Already inside where all the queens waiting for me.

"Just wait here I'll notify the social worker that you have arrived." One of the doctors told Aimie.

Lexi comes over by me and asks me, "I need you to tell me the truth. Did your father physically or mentally hurt you?"

I don't know if I should answer her. I'm too scared of what will happen if anyone finds out. I remember His voice in my head ringing. 'This is just our little secret... okay.'

"Emmie, babe. You have to speak up, because if you don't you will have to go home with him." Lexi tells me.

I think about what she said and I hate to admit it but she's right. If I don't speak and soon I'll have to leave.

"Emmie did he hurt you?"

"Yes." I whisper.

She looks at me and then hugs me.

"You have to tell a social worker." She says, "I know it's hard to speak up, but if you don't tell them they'll make you go home with him."

I think about it and I'm not ready to leave my family yet. I feel like I'm just getting to know them and I think my time with this family isn't over yet.

"Can't you tell them?" I ask Lexi.

"I wish darling but they can't take my word for it. You have to be the one to say it."

Lexi pulls me into another hug.

"Okay, Emmie let me take you to your father." A social worker says.

"I don't want to go." I tell him.

"I don't think you have a choice. After all he is your father."

"Hardly." I tell him.

"What?" The social worker asks confused.

"He has abused me and I don't want to go home with him. Actually I refuse to meet him." I tell the social worker.

The social worker looks at me and frowns. He seems to be thinking of what to do next.

"If she said she doesn't want to go then she ain't going." Lexi repeats my words back to the social worker.

"I've seen this before and good try. I know it's hard to go and leave a family but I'm doing what is right and I must bring you to your father."

"No!" I screamed, "How can you take me to a person who will end up hurting me. You think you are doing this for the better good, but I'm not lying. He abused me and I'm not going home with him."

The social workers face softens and he looks at me as if I'm telling a lie.

"We have no facts to prove he hurt you."

"What about the fact that she came here with a black eye and multiple broken bones?" Asked Millie.

"Well we can't prove he is the one that did it." The social worker replied, "Now come on. Let's go meet your father."

My face gets hot with anger.

"You won't believe me until I'm dead." I tell him.

"I'm sorry but if she says she was abused then I expect you to investigate this before she meets him." Aimie says, "Lets go home."

Lexi picks me up and leaves the hospital. She holds me tight and I can feel her heartbeat beating fast.

"You did it!" She tells me.

I just hold onto her because I know this won't be the last of my father. He is resilient and will come back for me. The only thing I don't know is when.

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