The Branch

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Su'a awoke to Somerhild's smiling face. She felt awash with embarrassment. She had just spent the night with a man to whom she was not married.  Nevermind the fact that he did not lift so much as a finger to touch her in an inappropriate or improper manner. But, for the sake of her virtue appearances must be kept. 

The night a'fore, she'd shared some profound moments with him. Touching him in a manner she found to be intimate and unsettling. Engaging in actions that seemed to mollify him. When she retired to the floor for sleep, he called to her insisting that she stay upon the bed. The fear of being taken grew again exponentially. She spent the night filled with anxious terror but this violation never came. She had rolled over sometime in the morning and discovered she was alone. 

"Good morning, Somerhild," Su'a said returning Somerhild's smile though somewhat abashed. A censuring look crossed Somerhild's features. 

"Speak it in Danish," Somerhild commanded. Su'a then repeated herself using the Danish language. 

"How did you sleep?" Somerhild was too perceptive for her own good. Su'a's blush deepened. 

"You mean did we hump last night," Su'a replied boldly. Her father had always chided her for her brashness perhaps he will be right and one day it would be her downfall. How she missed him.

"That my dear is between you and the Jarl," Somerhild's lips curled into an impish grin, "I do feel you have done something to please him otherwise he would not have ordered that you remain in his tent, at his service. You are to do his mending, weaving, and cooking. I will teach you the way. Have no fear. In that time, we shall continue our lessons. We will do this daily until you only speak Danish but for now the basics," Somerhild said confidently. 

"I see. I am always grateful for your tutelage but why must I stay here? What need does this man have of me?" Su'a's bewilderment at the Jarl's actions worsened. He was utterly confusing. She always preferred to know where she stood on all matters and with this man, there was nothing but mystery. 

"It is his wish. It is not to be questioned. Do you have any skill with needlework or cooking."

Su'a rolled her eyes in frustration, the Jarl would be the death of her. She sighed, "Yes I can cook but in the manner of my people. I have some skill with needles and pottery."

"Pottery!" Somerhild gasped, "Then you will be invaluable."

Several hours of Somerhild ceaseless tutoring passed. She had learned to make a proper meal for the Jarl, how he liked needlework, and the look of Danish pottery. Somerhild sent her to fetch some water. She would need to prepare the Jarl's bath nightly as well. Somerhild convinced the household guards to release her ankle irons, so that she may complete her task readily. A stream, not far, was within the encampment. She would have no easy escape. 

It was a small stream with a shallow bed of running water. There was a cluster of trees on either bank, which allowed privacy for bathers. She bent to complete her task when a hand grabbed the back of her neck. She was yanked to her feet by the hair to face an enraged Sven. She learned his name from Somerhild. His was a face, she would never forget. 

"I will take you in the arse and shame your Jarl," He spat though Su'a could not understand him. It was when he grasped at her breast, that an awareness of her situation settled on her. She shook violently trying to stave off his advances, but he persisted. His crowing laughter grating her nerves. When she saw an opening, she brought her foot up firmly between his legs. Halting that obnoxious laughter and leaving sprawling in the mud. Though she'd never been deeply religious, she asked Allah to make it shrivel and fall off. 

Sven yelped and whimpered, clutching his groin, rolling around on the ground like an animal. Su'a dumped her bucket then smashed it against the back of his head. His eyes shut and his head fell like a rock to the earth. A sinful idea occurred to her then. He should be punished for what he had done. He was at her mercy, she would do just that. 

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