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"Thank you all for coming," Wolfgard began with preamble. It was a week since the reoccupation of the Keep. A week of toiling in the muck and shit to rebuild the city's defenses and to make it livable again for its residents. The people were weary from strive, as was he. A bit of jubilation was, therefore, in order. 

All had been invited to attend, sumbl, at the great hall. It was nearly full to bursting, with only standing room available. Most of the attendees stood in the entryway or outside windows, peering in to hear Wolfgard speak. The smell of well-seasoned savory meat carried through the hall, as wild boar roasted on a spit. Women served food and ale. Others danced gayly around the fire. The little ones played under the watchful gaze of their mothers. The atmosphere was a warm, happy one, despite the frostiness of the spring night. 

Wolfgard's eyes searched the crowd for Su'a. She sat in the far corner across Somerhild, talking and laughing loudly. She wore her hair in intricate braids, studded with jewels. He'd never seen the style before. He was sure he'd see it again, poorly imitated by others, as it made her effortlessly beautiful. He commissioned a gown for her, the very one she was wearing. A deep red dress belted with a dark yellow cord and a black fur cloak with heavy golden clasps in the shape of a wolf. Her infectious smile lit his world. He couldn't help but smile in response. 

He breathed a sigh of relief. It felt good to be home, where he belonged. He was ready to move forward. Ready to put past grievances behind him. He cleared his throat loudly, regaining the attention of the crowd, "I thank you all for the part your played in the claiming our home. It was a task that could not have been accomplished without you." The crowd cheered. 

"I would have us celebrate not just our victory, but our fallen as well. Their sacrifice will always be remembered," Another rousing round of cheers resounded through the crowd and cups were raised for the dead.

"I would like to thank, Jarl Cnut, for his part in helping win this conflict," The large man raised his flask as his name was mentioned.  "I understand that the slights you had against, King Thorod, were of Orm's doing. In the spirit of unity, I would like to ensure our bond by giving you Ravn's hand in marriage. She will go with you as you depart for settlement in Frankia," Wolfgard looked upon the confused faces of his people. 

The thought strained credulity for most of them. He did not need to be rubbing elbows to hear the harsh words uttered in hushed tones. He understood it but Su'a was right, he could not bring himself to turn the sword on his sister. Instead, he banished her to distant shores with a husband he was sure she'd hate. She would marry Cnut or remain imprisoned indefinitely. He knew exactly what she'd choose. 

"There is another I would honor tonight. Were it not for her bravery, this struggle would have cost us not only more time but more lives. Su'a come!" He demanded, in a booming voice. He stood, chest out, proudly watching her shocked face. Hoots, whistles, and shouts rang through the hall, as the girl timidly rose from her seat to approach Wolfgard. 

He stood staring down at her. She, at the landing near the raised platform, two steps below him. He offered his hand and guided her up the steps towards his seat. The crowd fell silent watching Wolfgard seat a woman of ignoble birth upon his throne then kneel before her. 

Wolfgard gathered her hands pressing them to either side of his cheek, "There is so much more I wanted to give you, but all I can offer you is what you have already; your freedom. You have a home here for as long as you wish it. I have arranged to have a house built for you and gifts to start your new life wherever you should wish it. We owe you our lives. Thank you Su'a." He pressed a kiss to her lips and the words, 'silent as the grave' could describe the sound in the hall. 

"Thank you, Lord," Su'a whispered, fighting back her tears.

Wolfgard stood, pulling Su'a to her feet. He moved he behind her to replace her on the throne. He tugged on her hand, bringing her tumbling to his lap. He found it nigh impossible, not to touch and kiss her in such close proximity. He pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck. He was rewarded with a series of melodious giggles. 

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