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Su'a rolled her hips slowly, rending a deep guttural moan from Wolfgard. The water of the bathing tub sloshed messily over the rim in heated waves. The tight quarters of the little room were abound with steam. 

Wolfgard bore his teeth, whilst resonating a low-pitched growl then clamped down on the skin at the nape of Su'a's neck. His arms tightened around her as she straddled him, riding out the last of their climax together. 

Spent, he let his head drop against the hollow of her neck. His harsh breath blew in her ear, "I should have taken you much, much sooner." He pressed their naked chests together. "It's been some weeks and, yet, I still do not find my appetite satiated in the least."

Su'a giggled, "That is precisely why I did not let you." She lifted herself off him and turned to leave the tub, only to feel the sting of a slap against her backside. His hands grasped her arse cheeks kneading and squeezing. The look in his eyes full of lustful intent. 

Despite her thinly veiled protests, Su'a looked forward to their love-making. Wolfgard's rambunctious nature made their romps frequent, oft times spontaneous but always very vigorous. 

She turned her head to give him a brazenly seductive smile. Just as her arms found him again, a banging started against the bathhouse door. 

"Wolfgard! Pull your cock out and attend your duties!" Alrik shouted, rattling the thin wooden door. 

"In due time, tactless heap of shit!" Wolfgard returned and Su'a stifled a grin. His lips found hers. The short rough hairs of above his lip grated against her skin as he took her mouth eagerly. 

"It seems, my dulcet flower, that our time is cut short. Tonight, ready yourself for me. I will dream all day of being between your thighs." 

"Am I not permitted a period of rest, Lord." He gave two swift stinging slaps across her backside. 

"Wolfgard, Marigold. I am your man, not your master," He pulled her astride his hips. Their sexes colliding a most provocative fashion. "And the only rest you shall have is upon your monthly courses."

A thought occurred to Su'a that she had not seen a course this month, but she was new to the erotic delights. Somerhild had warned that it would change her body. She dismissed the matter entirely and returned her attention to the most alluring man she'd ever met. 

"Yes, Wolfgard. My Wolfgard," She raked her fingers through his wet hair, combing in toward his back. She slid her hand across his naked chest and pressed her lips to his excitedly when Alrik started hammering against the door with renewed zeal. 

"I swear to Odin, I will kick down this door! How long can one bath take?" 

Wolfgard's stormy blue eyes were rife with a liquid heat as he shifted her legs to hang over his arms and resumed their love-making in earnest. Su'a's loud moaning seemed driven by both pleasure and pain. Their throes of passion echoed through Uppsala's halls. It was not until Wolfgard's final grunt and curse that all sound within the bathhouse died. 

Wolfgard smiled at Alrik's angry muttering outside the door. He stood taking Su'a with him. Her legs clamped tightly around his waist. He set her down and threw a dress at her. 

"You had better dress quickly before I choose to ignore his summons and that arsehole has a reason to call me cuntstruck." His lips pulled into a smile. It was an action he engaged regularly as of late. Her heart fluttered every time he did it. 

"Then go, Wolfgard, I will not have you being the subject of ridicule," She said as she pulled on the last of her clothing and tied her wet hair up in a loose bun. Wolfgard pressed a quick kiss to her lips with a final slap to her already tender derriere.  

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