Peace Pays What War Wins

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The unseasonably warm spring breeze blew unhindered across the open field. The fading light of the afternoon highlighted the lush green of the grass and trees against the deepening blue of night. Su'a stood alone. The quiet before the battle was near unbearable. 

A fire crackled in the pit between the tents. A movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Wolfgard leaned languidly against the large tent pole. He stood there just watching her. 

His blonde hair was wild, messy, dampened by the evening mist. He was shirtless. Tight velvety skin stretched over well-sculpted muscles. His thick legs were clad in narrow brown trousers. He looked just as he did the first time they'd met. And in the incandescent light of the fire, he was even more handsome.

He cantered next to her. His brawny arms slipped around her waist and he nuzzled her close. He dropped his head and pressed his lips against the shell of her ear. "You are..." he said with slow deliberation. 

"The most beautiful woman you have ever seen," Su'a sassily replied as she let her hands slid soothing over his. "I know. Let's move on."

"Actually, I was going to say, you're an enormous pain in my arse." He pressed his lips to her temple. "And I want you to return to the Keep."

She spun to face him, still locked in his embrace. Her face full of angst "Lord, do not deny me this honor. You promised I would lead the shieldmaidens."

He tightened his arms around her, pressing her chest to his. "Your skill has improved tremendously. I will still have you lead the women but from the rear. Should they pass our lines, it will fall to you to lead and defend this kingdom. You can do so from a position of strength...behind the safety of Uppsala's walls." He chuckled as she rolled her eyes and shoved away from his hold. 

She walked quickly to the tent, retrieving her shield and sword. Fixing them to her person before she made her way back across the field to Uppsala. She didn't hear him follow her into the tent but when she turned around her eyes found him he was watching her again. 

"There's something different about you," He said ponderously. He waved his hand towards her outlining her breast and her stomach. "You look...fuller." 

Su'a's eyes widened in alarm. Her heart raced. She dropped her gaze to the ground. Very soon her truth would be glaringly obvious. She knew she could never lie to him but she was not ready to tell him the truth. If he learned of her pregnancy, she'd never had the opportunity to show him she belonged at his side. 

 "You are perhaps buxomer than before." She breathed a sigh of relief.  "I like a woman with some girth. It agrees with you." 

"Only you would see me gaining weight as a good thing." She smirked slyly watching him through the hoodied eyes maintaining direct and challenging eye contact.

Drawn in by her obvious flirtation, Wolfgard closed in, cupping her chin in his large hands and pressing his lips eagerly to hers. She sighed, opening her mouth slightly. He pulled her lower lip between his teeth, nipping gently at the tender flesh. She moaned, digging her fingers in his tangled hair. 

One of his hands reached behind her and squeezed her ass cheek. As he removed it he gave her backside a firm smack. That same hand snaked between them. Slipping into her trousers then sliding smoothly inside her. She gasped against his lips. And just as quickly his hand was gone. A rigid erection pushed insistently between them. 

Wolfgard roughly broke the kiss and with a slow lasciviousness, he licked her essence from his fingers, "I'll only warn you once. The next time you look at me like you want me to fuck you... I will."

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