The Wolf and The Flower

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"Somerhild, where is Marigold?" Wolfgard asked, eyeing Somerhild as she prepared his room for the night. He patiently awaited a moment to be alone with her. He'd watched her all evening, bestowing Eirik with beguiling smiles which he had been denied. Every look, every touch stung, fueling the fire that raged within him. Every begrudged moment was like kindling to his flame. He stood in the doorway awaiting Somerhild's response. She quickly and skillfully fixed his bedding then turned to offer him a nervous smile. 

"Lord, she felt it may be impertinent of her to serve you at the moment. She is attending Lord Eirik's needs." An apprehensive look settled on Somerhild's visage. Wolfgard had not felt the change upon his face but he knew it caused her reaction. She recoiled waiting for an outburst. His fists began to clench and his jaw rooted. This was the last his patience could bear. He exploded with anger, no control over objects that levitated and shattered across the room. Somerhild dropped to the floor as the primeval instinct took hold.

"Is she master here?" He started in a frightening voice. "She decides whom she serves?" He said incredulously. "That is not her choice to make!" 

Somerhild jumped to her feet at the sound of his bellowing, "Lord, we meant only to avoid your displeasure. When she heard you were to marry the Princess, Bodil...naturally she believed you would no longer wish to have her in your service." The rubor on his face deepened as she spoke. She had never seen him quite this putout and feared his reaction. 

"I will fetch her for you, Lord," She said anxiously skirting around him to get out the door and make a mad dash for safety. 

"No, go back to your duties. I will fetch her myself." He said with a determination that put the fear of God in Somerhild. He spun on his heels and stomping toward Lord Eirik's hut. Somerhild held on to her cross and said a quick prayer that Su'a might temper the devil's wrath and escape it unscathed. 

Su'a was in Eirik guest quarters when she heard shouting outside. She crept to the door, peaking out of a small crevice. Eirik and Wolfgard stood toe to toe, appearing more like twins than cousins. Equal in all but size and standing as Wolfgard was Jarl and the bigger of the two men but Eirik would not cower.

"Bring her out now Eirik! I shall not ask again," He cleeked Eirik's tunic dragging him a few inches closer.  Eirik patted the clenched fist around his shirt, trying in a vain gesture to calm the Viking Lord. He knew the thought that likely ran through Wolfgard's mind, all speaking of treachery and deceit. Though he fancied the girl, he loved and respected his cousin too much to take her without his consent. He was sure Wolfgard's displeasure would scare her needlessly.

"I will bring her out but cousin, but I beg you, stay this fury. You will regret it if you harm her." Wolfgard shoved Eirik, he stumbled backward falling in the mud. He looked up at Wolfgard provoked over his ruined clothing.

"You and your temper be damned," Eirik said wiping at his soiled clothing.

"She is mine to do with as I will Eirik not yours. Su'a!" She started in surprise when his eyes caught her staring. "I command you, come here at once!"

Su'a hesitated she was afraid of Wolfgard might do in his fury. She wished with all her might to avoid a quarrel but there was no avoiding it. She meekly exited the hut, walking slowly toward Wolfgard with his impassible grimace. She stopped briefly when she realized Eirik was still upon the ground. She took a moment to help Eirik to his feet.

"Lord, are you hurt?" She said as he leaned on her shoulder, she placed a hand on his broad chest to steady his limping. 

"Yes I am, Flower," Before he could finish his response Wolfgard yanked her from Eirik's side, clutching her arm in a vise-like grip. He ignored Eirik turning to walk to the stables with Su'a lagging behind him.

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