Seeking Peace

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Wolfgard moved his encampment into position in the weeks that followed, surrounding Cnut's keep. They would do battle or besiege Cnut and starve him out. It was Wolfgard's attempt to make a play for time. Coming up with excuses until Su'a was well enough to travel. She'd hardly uttered a word to him. Speaking only when spoken to, never meeting his gaze, nor offering any more of herself than required. 

Every night he would put her to bed with him and every morning he found her sleeping near the fire on a bed of furs. Worried, Wolfgard brought Brunhild, the volva to tend her wounds. Brunhild assured him that she would have no lasting physical effects but he knew something else had changed. He felt a distance growing between them that he knew not how to mend. Every day the chasm grew a little wider, killing him an inch at a time. 

By the time they reached Cnut's keep winter's chill set in. The journey was rough and cold. The men rode sluggishly swaying left and right on their horses. Barely able to keep their eyes open. Every so often an icy breeze would jolt them into acute awareness. 

They weren't riding far South and would turn North to ride back home. So they had better get used to it, for the lands to the North were even colder there. The North was nothing but a vast and thick blanket of mericless cold, spread for miles. With a featureless skyscape, save for the occasional cumulus clouds floating adrift at the fore of the sun, but just enough for splintered light to slip through and give some Sol.

Wolfgard sent an envoy ahead to negotiate with Cnut. He was determined to avoid bloodshed if at all possible. He'd hoped to resolve the issue of the land peaceably. The envoy was found later with his head on a spike, not far from his encampment. The man offered him insult and it would be answered. Frustrated, Wolfgard rode out to meet Cnut himself. He set out with Alrik and a handful of his best men. They met Cnut in an open field only half a league between the campsite and his keep. 

Cnut was a bear of a man. So large he made his horse appear a pony beneath him. His blonde hair was braided behind him. His face tattooed in a manner that would frighten most of his foes save Wolfgard. His smiled showing two rows of rotted brown teeth. He wore no ax but a sword belted at his side. He was a Sword Dane which meant he was a warlord. These were men of fearsome reputation. Men not easily crossed. Wolfgard would certainly have a care when it came to engaging him in battle but nothing about the man impressed him. 

"Wolfgard Sigvatsson," His deep voice called across the field, "I hear you are Thorod's dog now. He sends you to handle his affairs." 

It was an attempt to rile Wolfgard but he would not take the bait, "Lord, I come to settle this matter on behalf of King Thorod. You have taken lands that do not belong to you. You have made threats towards the king. He would see you dead but I see no reason to waste lives when this can be handled otherwise." 

"I will not treat with you Wolfgard, we are past that point. There is nothing Thorod could give me to convince me to give up my campaign," Cnut spat. His men behind him on their horse that moved restlessly in the cold. 

"Then why have you come?" Wolfgard peered curiously at the man. 

"I am told that you keep a woman unlike anyone has seen. She has skin the color of warm earth, crystal eyes that enchant, and a body that could tempt a saint." Cnut and his men laughed dryly. "It has been many moons since I have sampled such rarity. Give her to me and three thousand pounds of silver as tribute, then, I will consider negotiation." 

"You dare! How came you by this information, Cnut." Alrik barked.

"I have my spies as well you know. Just as you have yours," He paused to point at Alrik while asking Wolfgard, "Does this whelp speak for you? Speak out of turn again boy and I will have your head." 

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