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Eirik heard a lot about the girl but seeing her now he realized the rumors did her no justice for she was handsome beyond words. She did not favor the ideals of Danish beauty nevertheless she was breathtaking. The first thing a person noticed in the distance was a mass of wiry, thick curls; like dark cloud framing a halo around her face. Her skin favored the look of an expensive spice he had the pleasure of sampling once called cinnamon. He wondered if she was just as exhilarating. She wore a plain belted linen garment as did most of the female thralls but it was the way she wore it. Something about the manner of her walk. There was an air about her. She had the look of destiny.

She walked with purpose, wide sultry hips swaying hypnotically. The smallness of her waist accentuating its width and making her seem more buxom than she likely was. He wondered if she danced. Watching such a woman like her in the act would drive many men into madness. His eyes continued their study of Su'a whilst she made her way around the hall, as did that of other men. But he did not miss the way his cousin's eyes watched her. Wolfgard regarded her with a barely checked hunger. It seemed the only thing keeping his cousin in his chair was the sheer force of will.

Eirik's eyes wandered to Bodil. A beautiful woman herself. She boasted a long, lean figure, with lush brown hair, dark green eyes and a bride-price to carry a man into many conquests for more than one lifetime. Wolfgard and Bodil made a smart match. A very smart match indeed. He would increase his holdings tenfold but he looked miserable the poor cuss. The moment the exotic flower was no longer in his line of sight his look changed. He was like a caged wolf, terrified and angry with the world. Snarling and baring his teeth at anyone who dared to unfurl his rancor. He had been in a foul disposition for days. Perhaps it was because he'd hardly ate or slept but nothing seemed to bring the man any joy.

The cinnamon-colored girl returned, placing a platter of food on the table in front of him. Her honey brown eyes sparkling by lamp-light when the fell on him. "Thank you," Eirik said, giving her one of his most devastating smiles. She froze in her tracks. Eirik was used to that kind of reaction though it still embarrassed him a little the way gazes lingered on him. The sudden pause in her natural expression when she looked his way followed by the overcompensating with nonchalance and a weak smile. Of course, her blush provided surety that he'd struck her fancy. He returned her smile with a modest one. It was no act. He was genuinely modest about his looks which made women fall for him all the more. Despite all the opportunity that had come his way he could never bring himself to be as lecherous as some of his other relatives.

The girl's eyes still had not left him, "Forgive me, Lord, for staring. It is just, you so resemble Jarl Wolfgard and yet I am told you are brother to Lord Alrik."

Her language was strangely accented. Perhaps, it was the fact that his stubborn cousin was completely obsessed with her that made him curious about her.

He chuckled at her statement before responding, "Yes, I've heard this before. Then again, his father and my own were brothers. I suppose we share some family trait as we resemble our fathers as well. The whelp," He said pointing to Alrik, "Has taken after our dear mother."

Eirik watched Alrik pull Somerhild into his lap and press kisses to her neck and cheeks. "Has he been like this a long time with that thrall." He asked the girl eyeing Somerhild squealing gleefully. He'd never seen his brother behaving with such open affection for a woman. He heard that Alrik did not once seek the warmth of another since this Somerhild. He never thought he'd see the day that his brother would be monogamous. It was common for men of position to have more than one wife and many mistresses. Alrik seemed more than satisfied with just the one.

"Yes, Lord. Somerhild and Lord Alrik have been together since I came to be here some months ago." She replied. The longer she spoke the more the sound of her voice appealed to him. He could understand Wolfgard's yearning for her. He turned to look at his cousin and found Wolfgard's blue eyes devouring them. He seemed displeased at Eirik for keeping the girl's company but then again he was displeased at almost everything lately.

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